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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. What do you think it proves? Did you listen to the audio?
  2. How does the Moslem Brotherhood feel about fascism?
  3. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/youre-100-full-hit-fk-you-chicago-alderman-mayor-rage-over-looting-leaked-audio You are pure agitation propaganda. Pure BS.
  4. He is good at one thing though. I am afraid to vote for any Democrats now more so than before, which is saying something.
  5. Who died that has you so upset?
  6. The same way someone drowning in the ocean isn't my problem.
  7. How does AG Keith Ellison spell Moslem Brotherhood?
  8. It's going great. There will not be a second shutdown.
  9. It's your problem to solve, not mine.
  10. I didn't say that they are Democrats. I said that they don't support Democrat policies. Those are two different subjects. I don't know what they are registered as. You seem to miss the point that this racism thing is a crusade you brought here. A crusade that has a problem you refuse to address. I don't live there, so I don't care. You say you care and insult everyone around you. Agitation Propaganda. Moslem Brotherhood style.
  11. We speak the same language, which helps.
  12. No. They did what they had to do to leave those environments. They don't support Democrat policies either.
  13. Floyd is dead because he is a felon on drugs with COVID 19 and was killed by 4 cops who are sociopaths who don't belong on the police force anymore. The paramedics who did nothing for him are also culpable in his death. That is the beginning and end for me. The race card is your business, and I don't buy it.
  14. No. We don't blame other people for failure or use the race card to get out of our problems. We are simply men.
  15. If you are seeking employment, I won't be hiring you. I don't need someone who is this weak in the agitation propaganda game. Do you have any cyber skills?
  16. I know history. I also know when people are living in the past based on that history. In your case it is about agitation propaganda to create more friction. Do you support the Moslem Brotherhood?
  17. More than a few. Same goes for people from India and South East Asians. We do business together. We all believe in the color of money. Do you believe in owning a business or is that bad too?
  18. I don't care about any of that. I have myself to take care of. Personal responsibility is a full time job, plus I have a business to run.
  19. The answer is zero. What is your solution to black on black violence?
  20. I am asking you since you are the one crying about it. I don't live in these communities so it's not my business. It means enough to you to complain about whitey, but you don't care enough to solve the problem at its core.
  21. What is your solution to black on black violence?
  22. Why are you so angry at everyone?
  23. I think you just figured out his malfunction. He is angry and full of hate for no reason.
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