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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. What is your solution to black on black violence?
  2. Well said comrade. By the way. What is your solution to black on black violence?
  3. What is your solution to black on black violence?
  4. What is your solution to black on black violence?
  5. Then we agree. Race is not relevant to any of this so called discussion. Now shove your racism nonsense up your ass.
  6. Are you saying that there are only two sides to a story?
  7. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/colorado-bill-requires-re-education-parents-who-refuse-covid-19-vaccine More good news.
  8. Bravo. These are the mindless ramblings that are so effective at making my point. You are just a humorless agitator with a script. I encourage you to continue. I am sure that you will be wildly "successful".
  9. I just want to extend my profound appreciation for your efforts to get Trump re-elected. You are one of many unsung heroes. Carry on!
  10. Once more police departments get abolished, the exercising of their 2nd amendment right within city limits will become a greater priority. Gun control will become harder to enforce. Progress.
  11. Well done comrade. As to your identity, my answer is, nobody. As for quitting, I don't want you to quit. People like you and your fellow droogs will help re-elect Trump in a landslide. Your propaganda is stale and antiquated. That's the best part. You are self-destructive and completely blind to it.
  12. Understatement of the year...and you did it with only three letters. Very good.
  13. Total nonsense from a dying political ideology. Way too much hypocrisy.
  14. https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/businesses-flee-violence-will-major-us-cities-be-transformed-economic-wastelands Change you can believe in.
  15. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/seattle-councilwoman-says-warlord-controlled-chaz-should-remain-public-hands Seattle is doing great. Keep it up!
  16. Why? Because you say so. You and the rest of the agitators are not going to get people as riled up as you think. Some people have a sense of humor and don't live in the past.
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