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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. Absolutely. Millions of dollars and bioweapons research.
  2. I was laughed at a few months ago when I was bringing up Fauci's connections to the Communist Chinese by his assisting them in "gain of function" research on deadly pathogens. These scumbags are going down to...Chinatown?
  3. How many minute did George Floyd point a loaded gun at a pregnant woman in Texas? Just curious.
  4. Exactly. Temper tantrums and rioting are not the solution. Between you and the video, all I see is more proof that the inner cities need to be avoided at all costs. Congratulations.
  5. How is it racist? Good liberals support abortions. Always have. Today it's a problem?
  6. Well burn it down then. No one with any sense will want to live there. Great strategy.
  7. Good luck cleaning that mess up. I will have to watch that on youtube.
  8. Enjoy life in the city without police then. Selling weapons into the inner cities will really skyrocket then while property values plummet. Good luck.
  9. You want to avoid the fact that the behavior of the people in the inner cities needs to change, regardless of race. Too many sociopaths running around.
  10. I don't have a solution for it. I don't live there. If I did, I would leave it behind and not look back. As I have said, I don't concern myself with violence. I live in a place where deadly force in the name of self-defense is not an issue. There is far too much sociopathy in the inner cities these days regardless of race. Everyone wants to change the world, but they refuse to change themselves first. The more you encourage finger pointing and avoidance of personal responsibility, the more things stay the same.
  11. What is your solution to black on black violence?
  12. Always with the childish name calling. I would think that you would have been trained better than that. Also, how do you know what is true or not true when it comes to anonymous message boards? Anyone can say anything about themselves without any evidence being provided. As an agitation propagandist, I would think that you understood that, considering your own script.
  13. You are good at seeing what isn't there comrade. Well done. Your agitation propaganda will really help the cause.
  14. Well said comrade. You are truly a son of Stalin.
  15. You view community as something defined by skin color. You yourself cannot get past someone's skin color. You are a racist.
  16. Chaz looks like a fine place to raise a family.
  17. How very Roman to set policy on the fickle nature of the mob.
  18. How many abortion did she have? You should consider asking her if she has had any.
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