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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. I think that if the local communities want them defunded or reformed, that is their right to do so. However, there are real life consequences to allowing an increase in crime, especially violent crime, in the area, not the least of which is people with the means to leave to actually do so, with the poorer less mobile people left with even bigger problems. If that is what they want at the local level, then so be it. Their property values will collapse if it goes wrong though, and investments in those areas will diminish. Not my problem. Criminals must be protected, their victims, not so much.
  2. These moves serve propaganda efforts. They don't address the ineffectiveness of the education system in the inner cities. They don't address the hard drugs forced into those areas from around the world. They don't address the lack of jobs or the lack of black business owners. They don't address the fact the second amendment has been taken away from law abiding citizens in these areas who must try to raise and protect their families in an often violent environment on the streets. As long as everyone not living there gets that warm fuzzy feeling of self righteousness with symbolic gestures, little will ever change.
  3. The funny part is that we as citizens have voted in year after year the same people that have run the country into the ground and outsourced the majority of jobs. Suddenly people think that in 4 years all of that multi-trillion dollar global corruption will just go gently into that good night. Trump's election was only the beginning of dismantling the global free trade system and restoring our Republic. It's only the beginning.
  4. I agree comrade. The Communist Chinese agree too.
  5. It means you are a racist ####### that just wants to cause friction.
  6. All lives matter. You are such a racist. Trying viewing the world beyond skin color. I don't think you are capable of it.
  7. This is great news. I agree. I think protesting is stupid regardless of who is doing it, and for what reason.
  8. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/three-nypd-officers-intentionally-poisoned-bleach-manhattan-shake-shack No one will be protesting over this.
  9. Do black lives matter in a non election year to Democrats? Why are you so against the plain truth that all lives matter?
  10. How is life in Chaz? Good luck with that.
  11. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/three-nypd-officers-intentionally-poisoned-bleach-manhattan-shake-shack GregPersons supports this message.
  12. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/three-indian-troops-killed-border-clash-china China and India are likely to fight over fresh water. Coming to a theater near you.
  13. Why is it agitators like you happen to show up with this sort of script every presidential election year? The DNC will do anything to keep black people on the plantation. Your support of that process betrays black people's interests as American citizens. It is disgraceful what you are doing.
  14. All lives matter. Even yours.
  15. He doesn't care at all about that. The more black neighborhoods cannibalize each other, the stronger Democrat control of those areas gets. That has been the point of this exercise for decades. Divide and conquer.
  16. Another mature response from our resident Moslem Brotherhood agitator.
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