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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. Why are you trying so hard to be divisive?
  2. Well I am flattered that you chose today to read my posts, despite saying that they aren't worth reading. This is change I can believe in.
  3. ...you mad bro? It's been 150 years, and I am over it. It feels great.
  4. Try thinking for yourself. The EU is going to disintegrate soon also. I am sure you have a problem with that concept too. I agree. There is free trade because of the Breton Woods agreement. We sold the world on geography no longer being a limit to trade and supply chains because we guaranteed the safety and security of shipping vessels. That was security policy for us, not an economic policy. Once we start pulling back our safety nets at the cost of American blood, many of these nations will suffer big time.
  5. Sowell doesn't have a vote on the issue. Free trade and globalism are over. You haven't been paying attention to current trends have you.
  6. Globalism is dead. It's time you got used to the idea because that is how it is.
  7. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/appeals-court-orders-flynn-judge-dismiss-case
  8. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8453575/Armed-protesters-Wendys-parking-lot-Rayshard-Brooks-killed-day-funeral.html
  9. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/covid-19-will-accelerate-march-robots Globalism is dead, and it is not coming back. The global economy was about a security policy aimed at taking down the former USSR. It was never for the purpose of economic necessity for the USA. When the Bretton Woods agreement collapses and the USA stops providing free security for global trade routes one by one, we will see which economic models are actually more efficient than the American model. My money is on global collapse, not the collapse of the United States. South Korea, Japan, Mexico, and Canada will be our free trade partners for the foreseeable future. European nations will get a shot after the European Union and the Euro dissolves, although they are likely to not like the new terms. The time of the US financing and defending the global trade system is over. George Friedman is one of the founders of Stratfor.
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