To your first point, these jobs will dry up at the international level first. The North American continent will attain steady growth even with automation because the rest of the supply chains will dry up. China can not defend the oil it needs from the Straitt of Hormuz without us defending that route...oh the irony. In the short term, globalism is dead. The new Bretton Woods will evolve from the USA establishing a more condensed supply chain with nations that have a strong Navy (Japan is the number 2 navy in the world) and this simplifies dominance of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Globalism will re-emerge, but with a brand new generation of characters and technologies originating out of US innovative model. Rural properties will rise in value and grass fed clean animals for food and non-pesticide GMO garbage will be at a premium.
To your second point, our enemies are financially immortal due to the current behavior of the commercial banks. Our own dollars are being used against us long enough. I am with you 100% on the need to invest in ourselves and develop our children far better than what we have currently done. Also, keep your eye on lunar mining and SpaceX. The moon has a great deal of He3 which is ideal for extremely clean and efficient fusion technology that is not public yet. This combined with nuclear propulsion technology and the ability to launch Mars missions from the moon will make for some inspiration to a lot of our youth. Envisioning a bold future combing a return to the land using less chemistry and applying the cutting edge technologies to our persistent problems. I am extremely confident in our future. Ideologically, I think we have very similar hopes for our Republic, and what it could be to the generations yet to be born.
Thank you for the response.
By the way, I rented Brainstorm last night on Amazon. Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood star in. If you've never seen it, check it out.