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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. That is some collection of geniuses.
  2. This video is key to understanding what happens next with China.
  3. Get over yourself.
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8466195/Pictured-Covid-19-hijacks-human-cells-causes-sprout-TENTACLES.html
  5. When did I call you an idiot?
  6. Here is an interesting perspective on bio-terrorism.
  7. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/disturbing-parallel-hiv-covid-19-can-cause-depletion-important-immune-cells-ny-times But of course. The GP 120 proteins, patented by Fauci, were spliced into the coronavirus in Wuhan. It's called gain of function research. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/coronavirus-causes-weaponized-tentacles-sprout-infected-cells-directly-inject-virus
  8. You went from the whole federal government to the "White House". Good recovery. Out of our bloated 4.5 trillion dollar federal budget, which security agencies and bureaucracies are the first line of defense when it comes to defense from foreign biologicals?
  9. Why are you being so vague? Black people are not slaves. Also, they aren't African Americans in my book. They are Americans. You are living in the past.
  10. What is your definition of the whole federal government? All 17 "official" intelligence agencies? We have over 660 federal bureaucracies. They all thought it was a hoax too? What about China's role in all of this? Do they get a free pass?
  11. What is wrong with him having his opinion? ...and where is this "real life" that you speak of? Would one thing happen, or would many things happen? Would what happens be all good? ...all bad? ...a mixed bag?
  12. DC is not a prison. They can always move if federal representation is what they are after. The country has a lot of space.
  13. This debate over senators and representatives is absurd. We have one House that is based on population of that state. We have a Senate that gives equal voice to all states. It is an internal balance within the legislative branch.
  14. Amazing. I use some humor in the face of a never ending onslaught of left wing anger as we all get called Nazis and racists and of all people, you have a problem with me. Have fun arguing with the usual cast of agitators that, guess what, don't even care what you have to say anyways. You might as well be arguing with yourself.
  15. Sorry buddy, but none of this is my fault. Feel free to defend China if you want. You don't hold them responsible for anything.
  16. I think you mean these guys. Good luck.
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