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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. Modern slavery still exists... ...do we still give non-western nations a free pass... ...why are we tearing our monuments, when our enemies are protecting the slave trade? Gee, I wonder how many of our products are made by actual slaves and for cheap prices? Is that the meaning of this distraction? Global corporations and banks no the score on this, and yet we are the bad guys in their eyes... ...curious how the modern left wants us to remain at war around the world... ...the left is in line with corporate propaganda... ...the left is in line with the commercial banks politics also... Notice how the left is always trying to tell you what to say and how you should feel about everything... ...one of these days, enough people will wake up to this communist infiltration of American society...
  2. Perhaps we should turn Burger Kings, Taco Bells, and Pizza Huts into polling stations for everyone's convenience?
  3. ...Wait a minute... ...what are you saying?
  4. The NFL won't be getting any more money from me... ...we have one national anthem... ...the rest of this crap is a continuation of the slow march to where absolutely nothing is sacred to anyone anymore... ...without a common culture to bind all citizens together within an agreed upon code of ethics, there is no country... ...perhaps that is the point of the exercise?
  5. The hidden beauty of this coming Fourth of July, is that globalism as we have known it is dead... ...the stewards of that project are out of time... ...we will emerge a stronger and wiser country after all of this...
  6. Cynthia McKinney has been a champion for the truth since day one. Epstein in the early days was a pilot for Dyncorp... Dyncorp has trafficked children for decades... Dyncorp... the UN... proxy wars run by mercenaries... drugs... weapons... and small children... all commodities that has provided the mortar for modern globalism...
  7. What it shows is that outside of sitting at home and mailing in your ballot, you are not really invested in the future of the country. Black Lives Matter and Antifa have inspired me to understand that violence and intimidation works... ...spreading fear works... ...spreading disease works... ...looting businesses works... You can't support the violence of the left, and cry like a baby that there is likely to be a counterforce percolating under the surface if the communist supported leftist groups get their way. Liberty or Death is a warning...
  8. What effort... ...nothing happened...
  9. I think the real question is this. If Trump loses, and he refuses to leave office, and if he has military support in doing so...and perhaps civilian support... ...what the hell are you going to do about it anyway?
  10. What about the ants being genocided with pesticides? ...maybe they need an anthem that the NFL could use?
  11. I support the complete destruction of globalism and the radical, tax and regulate everyone into extinction left... ...period, case closed end of story. The problem with your question is that it is based in a fantasy world that doesn't exist anymore. I am 100% sure that Trump will win. I am 100% sure that Joe Biden belongs in the produce section. If Trump loses to a mashed potato like Joe Biden, then I definitely wouldn't believe it. The problem with your sci-fi question is that the Secret Service and Continuity of Government people would escort Trump out of the White House if he resisted leaving office. Your question is based in science fiction.
  12. Welcome to reality... ...I learned from the best... 500,000 dead Iraqi children? ...who ***** cares... ...did you complain on a message board back then about it?
  13. Sorry Kemp, but not only do I look forward to the economic opportunities that this chaos has wrought, but I don't even care about your life either. The end of the New World Order is at hand and globalism is dead... ...are their casualties? Of course, don't be mad at me because I see opportunity emerging from the carnage. What is your prediction for NYC property values moving forward?
  14. You can repeat that a million times, it doesn't faze me one bit since I am not the one that killed them. The American people have behaved like mindless sheep for decades, believing whatever their TV set told them... ...that was never my problem... ...the chickens have come home to roost from decades of complacency, and now I am the bad guy? Until the American people stop behaving like live stock, I will be coldly indifferent to people outside of my circle who cry out for someone else to think and make decisions for them... I would rather buy your assets on the cheap when you are done destroying yourself. By the way, how do you feel about all the opioids killing Americans?
  15. Did I kill those people? Do I run the Wuhan bioweapons lab? Did I ship millions of jobs to China? Did I just bring tyranny to millions of people in Hong Kong? Do I support free trade with China after all this chaos that they exported into the country? Did I kill a single person, or even get them sick? The answer to these questions is No. You are a bitter old man filled with hate, and ideology is all you have left...
  16. I will be perfectly honest... ...if Trump were to shoot Joe Biden on 5th Avenue, I wouldn't complain about it. After all, Joe Biden is a traitor...
  17. ...Italians shouldn't be left out either...
  18. What is it that you are so afraid of?
  19. Perhaps in light of all the discrimination against the Chinese, we should use the new Chinese national anthem?
  20. How is NYC treating you these days?
  21. My Israeli friends recommended this as the new Jewish national anthem... ...who has been more oppressed than the Jews?
  22. At least we can now play the Asian national anthem too...
  23. Apparently, only the United States must destroy any reference to its past while the rest of the world is just fine as is. If the US is so bad, then maybe an end to globalism, the USA closing its borders, and ending immigration would be a good thing. Why would anyone want to come here? But of course, the left will never accept that... ...why, because they want to destroy the country. Saul Alinsky would be proud of their work.
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