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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. I agree... ...and that is what makes them hypocrites.
  2. Barry probably bites the pillow more than she does...
  3. No one sells more guns than Hollywood...
  4. She is still my favorite tranny... let's hear it for big Mike... she just loves America...
  5. They are just mad that globalism is dead... ...and it's not coming back... ...they will never forgive Trump for killing the NWO...
  6. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjxyb6K5bTqAhV5lnIEHX6ADBgQFjADegQIAxAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhub.jhu.edu%2F2016%2F05%2F03%2Fmedical-errors-third-leading-cause-of-death%2F&usg=AOvVaw0LY1UUeahy0d877tLaKsFn Roughly 250,000 people die from medical malpractice annually...
  7. ...and last but not least... ...we need the transvestite national anthem...
  8. The leftists need their own national anthem too... ..and let's not forget the Mexicans... ...this would be a great national anthem...
  9. One torpedo would solve the immediate problem... the sharks would solve rest of the problem... they come here for a combination jobs, welfare and free health care... gotta have that cheap labor... at any cost... even at the cost of a neighborhood... a town... a city... a county... a state... and then the entire country.. yeah, that is most definitely progress.
  10. Exactly... a lot of people don't care about your PC social engineering garbage... they were slaves, call them whatever you like... but I say they were slaves... Live in the past if you like, but the future will simply leave you behind... ...and now, back on ignore for you...
  11. Who ***** cares. They are here illegally. They should straighten out their own countries instead of being ignorant cowards and running up into our country... ...maybe they could create their own CHAZ or CHOP in their own countries? Maybe we should sell them weapons to take their own countries back from tyranny? Countries where you aren't safe, right, so they come here because of the evil tyranny of Trump? I say give these people some basic training with firearms and combat tactics, and send them back into their own countries to take it back... ...simple... This country has enough passive cowards who will put up with anything in the name of having their little conveniences and not being labeled...
  12. He has a clearly defined mission as to why he says what he says. Just don't make the mistake of asking him directly why he says it... ...it will just be more noise for the sake of keeping you talking to him in a conversation that never goes anywhere...
  13. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8488333/California-governor-shuts-wineries-19-counties-keeps-tasting-room-Napa-open.html Pelosi's nephew is some scumbag... ...nothing ever changes with these guys.
  14. Interesting... the majority of those countries are the worst offenders when it comes to modern slavery and human trafficking... what a surprise?
  15. You covering for these teleprompter reading scumbags is heart warming... ...and clearly misguided... ...watch and listen, if you dare commie...
  16. Yeah... ...the media are centrally controlled or anything... Wake the hell up people. They are right about one thing... ...they are a danger to our Democracy...
  17. Biden looks like a used condom... ...I don't think he's gonna make it.
  18. Thank you bro... I watched it again and I needed the laugh... Watching Kemp in his natural habitat always lightens my heart... ...and the kids just love him...
  19. Call it a hunch, but as things get worse before they get better, while the left puts the petal to the floor, more people will see it for what it is... ...organized and targeted subversion of the country unifying matrix of ethics and traditions. The USA sucks and has to change while the rest of the world is so perfect? BS! People escape the rest of the world to come here. This fight politically is for who controls the emission center of the US dollar, which is the Federal Reserve. Now that we are pinned to essentially 0% interest for the cost of government borrowing, the leftists want to seize control of the spigot and impose their worldview with unlimited funding at 0% interest. This election has implications that will reverberate for centuries to come.
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