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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. I was wondering about something. Since this whole Covid 19 thing started... does anybody catch a cold anymore? It seems that there is no mention of the common cold, or the offering of any statistics on that since this started. A bit strange that The vaunted CDC wouldn't offer some coronavirus context since there are variations of it that affect humans. Since they can test for Covid 19 specifically (allegedly) then why no statistics differentiating the various coronaviruses? Hmmm... It would seem that the common cold vanished.
  2. NYC wanted De Blasio. Now they are stuck with him. I can't help but be amused. The citizens there will remain in denial of their own culpability long enough to see their property values destroyed. Then they will continue to blame everybody else but themselves.
  3. These people openly admitted that violence was their first move. They don't intend to negotiate. They don't intend to listen. They have no interest in even talking if you disagree on any point they have. They literally seemed like machines with a single focus and program. The similarities between those leftists and some of the ones here was obvious. All hate, and absolutely no ability to share a common laugh. Zero humor.
  4. I take it that people aren't going to be as supportive of the shipping off of the remainder of America's manufacturing base. Well that's good, better late than never, although it's pretty damn late in the game. Maybe a collective national apology may be in order for the American working class who were crushed over the last 30 years. Now, we as voters get to reap what we have sewn. Curious how no one saw this coming, despite it all being done quite intentionally, and with bipartisan support. China sent us the Covid 19, but God forbid anyone blamed China for intentionally sending it into the west. But now, people are worked up over the camps? I guess China's only mistake was running such camps, as the American population seemed content to surrender ourselves economically to China without any resistance otherwise. Hell, we have communists in our own country rioting everyday with the support of the MSM. We have Democrat leadership that either supports them or is dead silent on the riots. It will be interesting what comes next.
  5. I had some fun this week engaging on Twitter with a bunch of these BLM and Antifa people. I probably talked to over 50 of them, each blocking me after a short exchange, usually ending in profanity and hate for capitalism and the Republic in their final posts to me. Their anger and irrationality is virtually identical to the fanatical lefties here on this board that seem to like to poison any rational discussion with some kind of accusation. They refuse to answer any direct questions, and spew nothing but hate and venom towards the American system. I just thought that I would share an observation of how uniformly belligerent, hateful, and irrational these people are. It was educational for me, as these people actually drew some sympathy from me. It was clear that these people have been seriously damaged by something in their youth. They hate authority, due to having daddy issues, and ironically, want to be everyone else's daddy, and telling them what to do. Between drugs, a bleak urban environment, and awful SJW programming, all they want to do is lash out with zero reflection on how others are affected, projecting their pain upon others, perpetuating the cycle of abuse. They have been damaged to the point of becoming sociopaths. They posted videos of their violent exploits and it was quite interesting. Just thought I would share that.
  6. Exactly... We are being held hostage... and that is the ransom... Print up trillions before the election and vote the Democrats back in...
  7. The data you are using from the beginning is incomplete... The model for total deaths and their historical comparisons is incomplete... I respect that you are trying to put a 1000 piece puzzle together, but you are looking at only a few pieces... The deaths vs. positives shows that this entire thing is BS... The shutdown was unnecessary... The trillions dispersed... Unnecessary... A thousand pages of this thread and still no conclusions... This was an economic attack on our country using psyops and fraud... History will prove that out...
  8. The shutdown and the propaganda with the requisite laboratory fraud brought the economy down... In the coming months... That will be obvious to all save for the eternally sacred and confused... Biden is a mashed potato...
  9. Believing that there ever was ethics in politics is part of our current predicament... Only children should believe in such things... Not thinking adults...
  10. What were the ages of these people... Pre existing conditions... What are the numbers of all other causes of death by comparison... Compare that to years past...
  11. Trump will win easily... The left in America is only getting warmed up... By the time November 3rd rolls around... People are going to. be scared to death of any politician that is associated with them... They are trapped into endorsing publicly the hard left, or being vilified by the media if they support anything that Trump does... A Trump victory is in the bag...
  12. Total BS to justify holding everyone hostage to shake trillions more out of us... It's Extortion via the spreading of irrational fear... Enjoy your mask...
  13. We are being held hostage by controlled politicians who could really care less... The ransom... More federal welfare money in the trillions to wash through the coffers... Wash, rinse, and repeat... Total BS...
  14. Like I have been saying... This is a massive fraud to bring in digitally controlled tyranny via fear... Fear of the common cold rebranded as Covid 19... We are being held hostage by fear and blind followers of orthodoxy... They extorted trillions of dollars out of our country... At the time no one cared... Because they were scared... Millions of people are going to have to examine the quality of their problem solving skills when the dust settles... I can see why the global financial system views us as livestock... We act like it... Just add fear and a welfare check... Simple...
  15. I posted the article with all the data a few pages back... Not the Zerohedge one, but the other article...
  16. It will weaken, as all viruses do... The evidence suggests that it is weak...
  17. Combine that with overall deaths being down... I would say that some fraud is going on here... But like I said a few months ago... No one was presenting data based on a matrix of all causes of death to view any changes in proportionality while also tracking it vs. let's say a 5 year historical average all causes of death... After all this time, the CDC gave out a narrative of the universe while presenting a view through a keyhole... and no one publicly demanded better information than this day to day myopic garbage... Full of daily speculation... They took the common cold, and rebranded it as Covid 19 to shake trillions of dollars out of us while we are held hostage watching our country get vandalized... No big deal... Biden will fix it... China will be happy... and life would go on...
  18. I was labeled anti science when I posted this research previously... How interesting...
  19. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/several-florida-labs-report-positivity-rates-100
  20. https://t.co/ro9Wl43i3m?amp=1 Interesting article on Florida.
  21. I forgot to ask... How does everyone like the bats on the back of our new quarters for 2020... Pretty sweet huh... Great idea...
  22. The obvious solution is to stay home for the next 36 months and collect welfare... No big deal... The American people need to forget about working and living and just obey the government orders of the day... Simple... In 3 years we can leave our properties and everything will be great...
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