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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. On the bright side, schools will be closed long enough to hopefully breakup the teachers unions. It's time to start over on that project. If the teachers don't want to teach, I say great. No pay. No school taxes. No more teachers unions. I'm good with that.
  2. https://t.co/0pMIGVegpv?amp=1
  3. You sound unhinged. There is no cure. There will never be a cure. 1,000 pages and you still don't understand how a virus operates. The only people I know of that never get the flu, are people who don't take the flu vaccine. The only people I know of that get sick every year are the ones that get the flu shot every year. There is something obviously wrong with this picture, but you are a disciple of all things promoted by the pharmaceutical industry. You have a vested interest in that propaganda. I am looking forward to seeing how your propaganda evolves over the next 12 months. Please continue...
  4. It isn't up to me, it's not up to you... It is up to the body politic, which isn't very bright.
  5. Wacky zebra is on ignore now... That's better.
  6. Good... Make sure you drink a lot before you do...
  7. I take it that shipping more companies and jobs to China isn't very popular these days.
  8. Shut up and do what Cuomo tells you to do.
  9. Exactly. As long as your lifestyle is not affected, f*** everybody else. That is the spirit.
  10. NYC is looking great these days... Keep up the good work. You leftists want hell on Earth in every major city. You are well on your way. Laws, we don't need no stinking laws, unless we want to prosecute those who disagree of course. Stalin would be proud.
  11. Please please please never reopen the schools. If there ever was a time to break apart the teachers unions, it is now. The savings in taxes would be amazing. Besides, it's not like we have jobs waiting for these kids anymore after school. We have China for that.
  12. Shut up and do what you are told. Cuomo said so...
  13. Just say it already, "I am too afraid to live, and I want everyone to stop what they are doing, and do what I want, so that I won't be afraid anymore". Just say it already.
  14. That is the point. If people vote for that disaster, then fine. The people will have spoken...and then the real fun begins. Until the left has it's nose pushed into the pile of sh!t it left in the kitchen, they aren't going to get the message that they are the problem.
  15. I absolutely love the trend in Chicago. Please please please continue to self destruct. Rural property values will rise amid the Great Depression that is just around the corner. Once enough lefties enter my town and start their self-destruction here, I can move to a new rural area and start over again on the cheap. Lefties are like locusts, and they could care less.
  16. Watching the left self destruct and destroy their own property is a thing of beauty. Personally, being that most people are so dumb, I kind of hope that Biden wins. People aren't going to wise up until the left swarms into every single neighborhood in America. Maybe then, people will pull their heads out of their a$$es and realize what is really going on. 8 years of Biden will wake people up, maybe not... Maybe we would then need 8 years of Cuomo as President?
  17. That's because your propaganda is weak. You have one agenda, and it is weak. A year from now, I doubt that you will have the nerve to defend your BS spread across over 1000 pages of maybe maybe maybe, but do what the government tells you because you need to be afraid. Say what you will, but it will continue to be predictable and rooted in seeding more fear for the purpose of scaring people into taking a vaccine that will simply not work. Cue the anti-science drivel from Mr. "I still Don't know what's going on after all of this time". With all the fat bastards at the supermarkets and fast food chains stuffing their faces with crap and industrial strength poison, I am supposed to believe that we destroyed our country and terrorized everybody everyday over the protection of people's health. If you're eating and drinking that poison, and insist that everyone wears a mask for your health, then I say f*** you. C you next week for when I need an update on whatever BS corporate America is spoon feeding the sheep. I know I can find it here.
  18. Our greatest enemy is fear... I think it's about time people considered the degree to which fear is being promoted to control you. How many asymmetries and contradictions about this Covid 19 crap do people have to put up with before the light bulb comes on?
  19. Pump and dump propaganda once again.
  20. I disagree. Not that I'm not a fan of the vaccine pump and dump scheme ongoing. Time will prove that this is a massive fraud supported by profiteers and the eternally naive. Say what you will about my point, but a thousand pages of this thread has proven to be extremely non-educational nor intelligent. Pleas carry on. Your clinging to the narrative will eventually hit the tree dead ahead and that will provide some humor... and a cautionary tail for others. Now, tell us more about positive tests and deaths while taking it all in at face value, every day of the week.
  21. How do you know what it was? That is the point.
  22. This is starting to look like epic fraud to me. The common cold just vanishes? No comparative statistics? The CDC is incompetent if they aren't doing comparative tracking of all coronavirus diagnoses and respiratory illnesses. Why withhold that information if they have it? If they don't have it, why the hell not after all this time?
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