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Reality Check

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Everything posted by Reality Check

  1. I have had TH3 on ignore. Just a thought.
  2. It's Thursday morning and AOC is still a stupid f*****g b***h. That is all.
  3. It's Monday morning, and AOC is still a stupid f*****g b***h. That is all.
  4. It's Sunday morning... and AOC is still a stupid f*****g b!tch... that is all.
  5. Well... It looks like Chuck Woolery's son had a false positive on his test. Big surprise. Will we start discussing false positives soon or is that another anti-science discussion? No scientist would never do anything unethical of course... especially not for their job security, or funding for their research.
  6. You can't get blood from a stone my friend. Too much destruction to the tax base on the horizon. Sending someone a bill these days doesn't mean it will get paid. The people with the means will leave and take their money with them.
  7. Having talked to some school district administrators, there is no way NY schools are going to open in the Fall. The regulations are simply not doable. Bye Bye teachers unions. Hello lower taxes. It should be a nice Christmas.
  8. It's Saturday morning, and AOC is still a f*****g b!***.
  9. The dominoes are falling. Sadly, these are the activities that no one wants to acknowledge even exists. For what reason, I don't know.
  10. The one video that no Biden voter will dare listen to... and if they do, their hands will be over their ears...
  11. The global economy is wrecked. I won't miss it.
  12. It's funny... She wouldn't be able to get her old job back even if she wanted it.
  13. God I hope that is true. It's time to cut all the federal money to non-performing bureaucracies.
  14. Please finish destroying your cities liberals. The rural communities could use the boost in equity. I have faith in your ability to self-destruct.
  15. It begins with trafficking children... it doesn't end there... it begins there...
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