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Everything posted by 19Bills83

  1. Like Gase? Tell that MOFO to wear glasses...... RIP Tony
  2. Bills play them in the AFC championship and lose this year by a FG. Ravens destroys the Seahawks in the dance 38-21
  3. We run Zone coverage. Why would he? Have fans not watched the Bills all year? When do we go man to man like the current sloppy Pats?
  4. Fix the brake line on my Titan, watch the Pats game and hope they get crushed. Watch a convincing Bills D performance that destroys the Oilers!
  5. We do have some weak fans like most to all bandwagon teams have. True fans will show up like you and I that are the real 12th man or "mafia", don't get frustrated. Enjoy the ride baby!
  6. So let every one go but Hughes? Awesome! Glad you're not Beane.
  7. Bolded is what should be done. Let Murphy go as well.
  8. No idea on Duke either, he is your man to fight for a ball too. Would be a great RZ weapon if utilized proper. I was hoping Foster would turn into that Goodwin role. It could still happen if Allen can just get's his deep balls going again.
  9. Brown 56 rec. 817yds = #1 Beasley 44 rec. and 449yds = #2 Beane did a pretty damn good job in the offseason.
  10. I thought we needed a #1 WR though?
  11. Talk about a detractor? You forget that Allen had the go ahead score against the Browns again in the late 4th and our D let them drive 82yds? Your a hater and can't see progression.
  12. Bills player does that to Brady = insta legend and headed for the wall
  13. I hope the Bills skip this Drama Queen. He's not even a good QB. I guess there are enough average QB's though for BU's?
  14. Garret went Norman Bates. Mason is no choir boy either instigating this fight.
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