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Everything posted by Fleezoid

  1. Thought I'd resurrect this. Those of you who may have been part of the original Buffalo Bills Message Board, may remember this. Twas the night before football, and all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The fresh beer was chilling, in the cooler with care, In the hopes that Bills football soon would be there. The players were all nestled, by curfew in bed, while visions of superbowls, danced in their heads. Some mama in her G-string, and I in my thong, Drank too much tequilla, 'till the night was long gone. When out in the den, there arose such a clatter. I sprang from my bed, to see what was the matter. Away to the couch, I stumbled and tripped, grabbed the remote, and cursed when it slipped. The sun on the blades, of the fresh painted lawn, Gave luster of football, the waiting was gone. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, A lightning quick team, and fake fans drinking beer. With a young, feisty coach, who's got this team tight, They're built for a run, with unparalleled might. More rapid than jets, His warriors they came, He whistled, clapped, and shouted their names... Now Josh, Now Devin, Now John and Stefon On Edmunds, On Oliver, On White and Milano. to the top of your game, to the top of the league. Lets get this run started, it starts with the Jets!!
  2. Thanks. that was good stuff. Mr. Sal discussed what we already know, but nice to hear some different nuances. It would have been nice if they did more comparisons with the Bills and Dolphins, but I get the focus. Was hoping for more of "this is what you've done.....this is what we've done." Now based on that audio, if Mr. Capaccio is a coffee drinker, he needs to drop it to about 50 percent. A little too ampt up!! I'm in Tampa and used to listen to WGR, but haven't in awhile. (too many connection problems), but Capaccio seemed a bit too wired in that podcast. However, after 2 decades and the recent developments, can you blame him for being "wired"? ..... or anyone.?
  3. I don't think this guy knows how to craft a premise or make arguments that support the conclusion. Or he could have just finished the article with: Too-early prediction Last place in AFC East. "Just a hunch"
  4. One of the biggest things the XFL is highlighting, which wasn't mentioned, is the kick return game with some emphasis on safety. They want the returns, but not the players crashing into each other at high speeds like what the NFL is trying to eliminate. Teams are penalized (not an actual penalty) for touchbacks. If the kicking team kicks the ball in the endzone, the receiving team gets the ball on the 35. Alternatively, if the kick lands in the field of play and the receiving team lets it bounce in the endzone, they get the ball at the 15. These rules are going to make for some interesting kick placement attempts.
  5. Sad thing is,.... if that pic was now, there's at least 2 penalties. The state of the NFL is changing. And not necessarily for the better.
  6. If resting players will help them tackle better....rest 'em! If playing players will help them tackle better....play 'em! Tackling was horrible agains the Pats. Too many yards after first contact!
  7. I really don't think he'll use key starters for the entire game. 2-3 quarters perhaps. With that said, there may be an advantage to using the starters. It's a tune-up game for the playoffs, which will likely be the Texans. As a tune-up, you can also throw in some deception. Set 'em up with certain plays against the Jets, then mix it up. I realize this is done all season, but every tiny advantage is big.
  8. Ha ha, I was just thinking the same thing. This is what I came up with: "So that's why you wear the glove! Now can you please remove that creepy prosthetic hand from my shoulder."
  9. I've been a fan since the mid 70s. When I was a kid, if the games weren't on TV, I would turn on the radio broadcast and manage my own "Game Tracker" using my electric football game. When I was about 14, I had a buddy who's grandfather ran one of the concessions. I went to help out on several occasions. I'll never forget the first game I worked. I'd never been to a game before and we got there about 9 am, picked up some supplies and got into the main concourse on our way to the stand. I just had to see the field, so I turned up one of the tunnels and when the field came into full view, I just stood and stared. Got chills, it was awesome. Our job was mostly just making the hot dogs, which were done ahead of time during each half, so we got to see most of the games. Like many have said here, we're not just fans,....The Bills become part of you.
  10. Nothing inspires more than a green weenie waving in the night air... During a Monday night game many years ago, we were in the corner endzones and there was a dude waving a pickle in the midst of thousands of Whammie Weenies! I was so proud that night!?
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