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Everything posted by Fleezoid

  1. I'm on the bandwagon with the Steelers. That sets up a possible Chiefs-Ravens matchup, which in my mind is preferable. Titans D will not hold up against the Chiefs.
  2. Anything by Andy Williams. On second thought, Josh will be in a coma within 10 minutes. So perhaps not.
  3. Great feeling for all of us. I see alot of old-timers here. Myself included. I was 34 last we captured the division. The one big difference ... 25 years ago, we were on (what we didn't realize) was a down-slope. Now, We're on a big rise! Daboll's offense is red hot! Jazzed for the next couple of games and can't wait to see who's the playoff foe! We're peaking and can take on anyone now!!
  4. I'm already there. Just look to your right. That's me!
  5. Not needless at all. All Bills fans are going to be feeling a little extra zing on Christmas. We'll be happy sipping our egg nog and sneaking that extra shot of jack daniels on Christmas day while we smile and laugh with friends and family all while visions of Monday night football and the playoffs dance in our heads.
  6. Find a neighbor that has the game on where the TV is visible from an outside window. Take a stool and your beer and get comfortable. If your neighbor sees you, just casually look away.
  7. I grew up in Depew. Retired military so I've watched the Bills from all over the place. My home's in Tampa, for the past 12 years now. Hear that Bills? Tampa! "You can get here! I know you can get here. What's more, you gotta get here!"
  8. And there in lies the biggest risk. I would hope that players would maintain a huge distance, but still a risk!
  9. Every time I sit on the potty, I cry. .....It's because... ....It's my potty and I'll cry if I want to!
  10. But a "score" is actually 20. So you predicted the Bills to score 87 points. Man ... you were way off!
  11. Didn't the Bills win an 18-10 game not too long ago? All FGs. Of course, the counter argument is the fact it was against the Jets.
  12. Bubble screens and short dump-offs. Steelers blitz alot. Gotta slow 'em down or make 'em pay for it. Moreover, it'll help protect Allen.
  13. "And if you need me, just think 'Johnny Wishbone' and I come running. Lutz and Biddle, it's like Kibbles n' Bits, but different." - Johnny Wishbone
  14. Daboll's got the play execution going, but it's only exceeded by his play design. I've been hoping for this for 15 years....A coach that has good play "designs"....awesome!
  15. Are you crazy?! But seriously, we are going into a tough stretch of games. Obviously Pittsburgh. But that game aside, the games against NE, SF and Denver are games I'm paying close attention to. Those are the remaining games that we have as common opponents with Miami. If we stumble and Miami gets even in the standing, it might come down to that tie-breaker. I hope it doesn't get to that. We need to keep at least a 1 game lead and the division record lead to ensure the last game isn't for the division.
  16. Bartender: "Don't you think you've had enough?" Arthur: "I want more than enough."
  17. "It's not that i support facsism or any ism for that matter. Isms in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an ism, he should believe in himself." Ferris Beuller, 1986
  18. Shouldn't the title be, "Read me out: ...." Or perhaps, "Reed me out: ..."
  19. "One.... singular sensation, every little step she takes..."
  20. Genie: "I grant you one wish" Me: "Ok..ok, let's see...Please give the Bills a great offense next year!" Genie: "Granted." Me: "Oh.....and don't mess with the defense." Genie: "Sorry, that's two."
  21. Passenger: "Are you telling us everything?" Elaine: "Not exactly ... we're also out of coffee."
  22. Thought I'd resurrect this. Those of you who may have been part of the original Buffalo Bills Message Board, may remember this. Twas the night before football, and all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The fresh beer was chilling, in the cooler with care, In the hopes that Bills football soon would be there. The players were all nestled, by curfew in bed, while visions of superbowls, danced in their heads. Some mama in her G-string, and I in my thong, Drank too much tequilla, 'till the night was long gone. When out in the den, there arose such a clatter. I sprang from my bed, to see what was the matter. Away to the couch, I stumbled and tripped, grabbed the remote, and cursed when it slipped. The sun on the blades, of the fresh painted lawn, Gave luster of football, the waiting was gone. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, A lightning quick team, and fake fans drinking beer. With a young, feisty coach, who's got this team tight, They're built for a run, with unparalleled might. More rapid than jets, His warriors they came, He whistled, clapped, and shouted their names... Now Josh, Now Devin, Now John and Stefon On Edmunds, On Oliver, On White and Milano. to the top of your game, to the top of the league. Lets get this run started, it starts with the Jets!!
  23. Thanks. that was good stuff. Mr. Sal discussed what we already know, but nice to hear some different nuances. It would have been nice if they did more comparisons with the Bills and Dolphins, but I get the focus. Was hoping for more of "this is what you've done.....this is what we've done." Now based on that audio, if Mr. Capaccio is a coffee drinker, he needs to drop it to about 50 percent. A little too ampt up!! I'm in Tampa and used to listen to WGR, but haven't in awhile. (too many connection problems), but Capaccio seemed a bit too wired in that podcast. However, after 2 decades and the recent developments, can you blame him for being "wired"? ..... or anyone.?
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