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Everything posted by Fleezoid

  1. I'll be absolutely giddy when I see a pic of Tyler Bass!
  2. Time to head over the Titans and Lions message boards. This should get entertaining. Some fans will lose their minds.
  3. So you're saying that Mike Ertz might be available.
  4. I don't think the phrase "playoff time" will be uttered in their locker room this year.
  5. It's a shame he doesn't have "Antonio Brown, The Game"...
  6. Are these the rookies at a truck driver school? Talk about the "Wrong Stuff."
  7. Oh man, that's not good! I was really counting on them being ready a day earlier!
  8. Took a train from San Antonio to Buffalo one summer about 15 years ago. Sleeper car's the way to go. It had a "sightseer" lounge car; 2nd story observation car. Took in some scenery while getting liquored up. Got in to Chicago late for my connection train to Buffalo which ran daily from 7 pm. Amtrak put me up in a hotel. Next day was "Taste of Chicago". Huge party. Had some fun before departing at 7 pm. By the way.....Amtrak is almost always late. Freight has priority. Next trip was with a buddy of mine. Flew to Buffalo for a football game and had tickets to next game in New Orleans. Then Katrina happened. At least game was in San Antonio, so the trip was still on. Although football seats weren't nearly as good as the ones we had in NO. Train crashed just outside of St Louis. Pretty big wreck. No deaths but several injuries. Had to stay overnight and ended up flying to San Antonio on Amtrak's dime. Actually got to San Antonio about an hour before Amtrak's scheduled arrival. All in all, trains are fun as long as you stay on the track. Food's good too. Keep in mind, if you get a sleeper car, for a single person, it costs more than flying and takes about 10 times longer.
  9. Is a hip injury considered an upper body, or lower body injury? Cuz really, that's all we need to know.
  10. Both conferences now have adequate representation in the poop bin.
  11. Exactly. QB battles are the kiss of death.
  12. Sometimes a little negativity is good, don't you think...
  13. Perhaps he's tired of the spotlight. Wants to live the rest of his life...... live ......(Dang it! What the heck is that word!)
  14. All the reflection going on is making me depressed. Unfortunately, the bad memories are overshadowing the good ones. (fingers in ears) Hmmmmmmmmmmm. (Training camp is 9 days away)
  15. Acrisure? Sounds like a product that treats incontinence.
  16. ^^^^ This, 100% When that happened, the Bills demeanor changed. They started playing not to lose rather than playing to win! Death sentence.
  17. You sure that wasn't Teddy Bruschi?
  18. It kinda reminds me of the bar from "The Deer Hunter."
  19. Unfortunately the Bill blue will somewhat blend in with the Rams blue. We'll have to distinguish by white lettering and lack of yellow. A splash of red here and there will help.
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