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Everything posted by Fleezoid

  1. Exactly. Especially with emphasis on illegal contact. I hate that rule, specifically the way it has been administered (or not) over the years. There's illegal contact on virtually every red-zone pass play.
  2. For me, 6 days from now I'll be saying 17-0 or 16-1. Then, 11 days after that I'll be saying 17-0 or 15-2. 6 days after that I'll be saying 17-0 or 16-1 or 15-2, or ...... Well, you get the point
  3. "How are people betting Bills vs. Rams" Cash or credit card. ......... No checks.
  4. I think he's the guy looking at the Rams doing the preview.
  5. This has been the longest off-season ever!! 7 months!....I'm exhausted!
  6. Looks like a real steamy bromance!
  7. I've felt for a long time that no Buffalo team will win a surprise championship as an underdog. They have to be heavy favorites. So this fits!
  8. I get that part. But releasing him may have been more about the Bills investigation in July, followed by new information just days ago. I'm sure they sat down with Araize in July and discussed it. If they said, "Matt, we've looked in to this carefully and have done X, Y and Z, is there anything else we need to know?" If he withheld anything that came out days ago, that alone is enough to part ways. It's about trust and confidence. It may not have happened that way, but it's definitely a possibility.
  9. Hey, I got an idea ............ lets not pick up any more players with "God" as part of their nickname. Just sayin'.
  10. The carbon dioxide must be palpable in the Buffalo area right now after the entire city just exhaled!
  11. Yes. Between yesterday and today, I read alot of these posts, not all (who's got that kinda time?), and I was originally waiting for more info before forming an opinion. But now, it's clear to me that the Bills need to let him go. Just a bad, bad situation. Way too much of a negative distraction going into week 1.
  12. I think Belichick is behind this. The no punt thing has been rattling around in his brain and he vowed to do something about it. He's trying to prove in some sort of twisted way that we do need a punter.
  13. I wouldn't be too sure about that. Araiza might be pretty appealing to the Browns right now. A clean trade might work.
  14. Wait ... you work in medicine and are dumb as a box of rocks? I hope the medicine is meth, and not like something that can save my life (or not).
  15. The entire Patriots team just read the news story and said, "Wait..... Bills have a punter?"
  16. I really don't see Dorsey putting together some twisted version of the K-Gun. But after watching some of his interviews and listening to some of the player comments (one player, not sure who, referred to him as a "beautiful mind" with a chuckle), I can definitely see some really off-the-wall play designs. I feel like there'll be a play or 2 where we're like ... "what the hell was that?" ..... in a good way.
  17. Ted Marchibroda does not = Ken Dorsey We're going full-on psychopath!!
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