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Everything posted by Fleezoid

  1. This^^^^^ Absolutely. He's a weak coodinator! And for me it's not knee jerk.
  2. This bend, and bend some more defense is crap. Time to start effing blitzing!
  3. Just have the coaches tell the CBs; "Remember, if you can't see Tua, Tua can't see you." Boom! ...Pic!
  4. Someone needs to make a tall, inflatable adult booster seat. That way you can sit at the height of standing.
  5. I'm glad you followed up with that 2nd statement. As Shaw said, still trying to get used to all this winning and hype. But it's a hell of ride so far. I'm excited, yet nervous about Sunday's game. Can you imaging if we lose? All the "Bills are the juggernaut of the league" talk goes away. That's not terrible, but it'll be replaced by the Tua hype, which I don't think I can stomach. The "Tua is better than Josh" arguments will fill the airwaves, which I don't think I can stomach. The power rankings might have the Bills at 4 and Dolphins at 3 behind the Chiefs and Bucs. Don't care much about power rankings, but they'll be saying the Dolphins are the best team in the AFC East, which I don't think I can stomach. Bottom line: We're not on cruise control. And being considered the best team in the league still comes with excitement, nerves, worry and anticipation.
  6. Fish heads fishy heads Roly Poly fishy heads Josh eats them up, yum
  7. No pass defenses, but he called a defensive play and followed with a great tackle. I quoted myself. Yeah, it's cheezy, but what do I win?
  8. Hopefully this doesn't offend anyone. Joel Osteen is an evangelical christian. I used to think that was crap. But I shared an office with a coworker that was working toward his theology degree who eventually gave up good money to be a youth pastor. We had a lot of religious discussions. One time I brought up the TV evangelists and surprisingly, he didn't condemn them. He questioned their motivation, but he did say that all christians should be evangelists. in other words, if you're a christian, spread the word. I get that. Back to Osteen. He preaches good messages, which is cool, but he's gotten filthy rich. Is it wrong? I don't know, but I don't like it. It happens all the time. But that's not the main point. If you've watch Joel Osteen's sermons, you know he blinks alot!!. It's crazy. Public speaking is a big challenge for most people. When people are put in that position, alot of people compensate with repetitious physical movement. Osteen is a great orator, but I think his blinking is one of his uncontrollable speaking movements. So, it is, what it is. (I hate that phrase, but I need a seqway) I gave a lot of background to ask this......Can someone create a video that has a gunshot sounds every time Osteen blinks? Not a long video....maybe 30 seconds. it would be rapid fire stuff. Anything more than 30 seconds would probably bring the cops. But 20-30 seconds would be awesome. Any good tech guys out there? Thanks in advance.
  9. Wow. A question was answered honestly and accurately with specifics and video. straight forward and to the point. It was probably a retorical question and most people would have just made a joke....including me. Well done!
  10. If we lose tomorrow, Dolphins are in first place and we're tied with the Patriots. If that happens:
  11. I'm with ya. I was worried about the Ravens until their defense forgot the game wasn't over. Hill blazing past the corner with no top-safety cover was jaw dropping. Had to ba a safety mistake. But as you say, not terribly worried about the phins as alot of Tua's long passes were still underthrown. Keeps the playing field leveled.
  12. What I learned today: Burrow can't think in the pocket Cincy's O-line sucks Tua is ok, but still underthrows most of his long passes Ravens secondary is confused alot Ravens scared me until their D unravelled Winston still knows how to throw picks at the worst time of the game Lions can move the ball. Their good. Not great, but ok. Garoppolo becomes the starter about 6-7 weeks before expected Matt Ryan is not a great QB. He's been great at times in the past, but, that's not great, just very good. Poor Indy. The expectations Trevor Lawrence isn't horrible. I kinda thought he would be. Nothing new, but Trevor Lawrence still looks weird Brady is trash And....Jai Alai is one of the best beers on the planet. yummy!
  13. I posted this in another thread, but I feel it fits better here. Sorry for the duplication. "So, I'm in Tampa and have friends that are Bucs fans and a couple that are GB fans. We normally meet up at the bar to watch games which we did today. Obviously today, the Bucs on the main screen. Now, as a Bills fan, I have never liked Brady. But since his move to Tampa, I have grown a bit of respect for his ability (albeit a discusting respect that requires regular showers). With that said, the dude is trash. He played like crap in the first half. Overthrown, underthrown balls all day. Yet he had the gall to roll his eyes and yell at players on the field including bitching at all the guys in the huddle. Ridiculous. And I'm not gonna buy "he's just motivating the players". He's a freakin DIva!! The only thing that motivated the team was Evans who blew up Lattimore. That was like a hockey move. He was ejected, but I respect it. Today, it was all about Brady playing the blame game. No respect for that POS."
  14. So, I'm in Tampa and have friends that are Bucs fans and a couple that are GB fans. We normally meet up at the bar to watch games which we did today. Obviously today, the Bucs on the main screen. Now, as a Bills fan, I have never liked Brady. But since his move to Tampa, I have grown a bit of respect for his ability (albeit a discusting respect that requires regular showers). With that said, the dude is trash. He played like crap in the first half. Overthrown, underthrown balls all day. Yet he had the gall to roll his eyes and yell at players on the field including bitching at all the guys in the huddle. Ridiculous. And I'm not gonna buy "he's just motivating the players". He's a freakin DIva!! The only thing that motivated the team was Evans who blew up Lattimore. That was like a hockey move. He was ejected, but I respect it. Today, it was all about Brady playing the blame game. No respect for that POS.
  15. What's a rendering. I think I'll wait for the birth.
  16. If we had a grass field, John Madden would be turning over in his grave. He graded players by how much mud that got on their unis.
  17. I'm gonna say Milano for this same reason. I see a couple of key pass-defenses and possibly a pick.
  18. After they play the Bills, his comments will be revised slightly; "If you can't see me, it's because all I see is Miller, Phillips, Basham and some guy named Rousseau." "If I can't see you, it's because all I see is sky."
  19. I think the thread title is supposed to be "Kelly Ripa." It comes out wrong when you pronounce it with a mouthful of Milk Duds. Looks like a translation thing.
  20. Boy, was I mistaken. I read the title and thought it was a proposal.
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