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Everything posted by Fleezoid

  1. This thread has made me terrified to be a Bills fan!
  2. He didn't have any gas in the tank when he was actually playing for the Bills.
  3. When I lived in Buffalo as a young teenager, Depew exactly, every year I asked for a snow blower. And every year I got a new shovel. The new shovel was necessary because the old one would barely make it thru the previous season. I have an older daughter in another state, so I clearly haven't gotten the child labor thing right.
  4. True. But sometimes it's hard to stop. It's like me when I go to the sports bar to watch Bills games. I'll order a huge platter of loaded nachos. it'll arrive, and I'll tell my friends, 'No way I can finish this.' By half time the waitress is taking the empty platter away, and I look like this....
  5. Yes, that was the first. and yes again, Leslie Nielsen was great in the first movie and was the reason the Naked Gun movies were so good. 2nd movie is just as good! New comedy lines, which is rare.
  6. The one way I see this happening is if the defense is playing really well. A couple of turnovers and short field? Yeah, I think that's the way Allen can pad the numbers a bit. As Golf eluded to, it's more likely to be a grind. 27 pts feels about right to me. As long as the D is playing well, it's a W.
  7. Seems like you haven't seen the Airplane movies. If you haven't, they're a must. Some of the most quotable comedy movie lines. Obviously, watch in sequence. If you can pull off the "jive" lines, you'll be a hit at any party!
  8. I don't like the spot foul 50 yards down field. I think it should be a spot foul inside 15 yards, anything longer is 15 yard penalty. Automatic first down for all scenarios.
  9. Automatic first down on defensive holding is worse. Could be 3rd and 25 and a guy gets held 8 yards downfield and bam, new set of downs. Egregious when it happens near the red zone.
  10. Great movie, but a horrible premise! Everthing until the end is good. Spoiler alert: They mistakenly kill Joe Pendleton then bring him back to find him a new body. His new body is ultimately QB Tom Jarrett, but at the end, they kill off Joe again when he actually becomes Tom Jarrett. Everything about Joe is gone....music, memory....everything. Terrible premise.
  11. I don't want to see it. I just want to talk about it for a long time.
  12. I miss the "Stadium Renderings" thread. Those were good times.
  13. Never heard of a "pistol squat", but I'm guessing it's when I get home from a long drive and have to take a dump real bad!
  14. I remembered the movie but also couldn't remember the name, so looked it up...."Runaway." Good movie and Gene Simmons played and excellent villain!
  15. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-fires-warning-shot-to-teams-that-players-can-be-suspended-for-faking-injuries-and-draft-picks-can-be-taken/ And this might have been the final straw..... Hilarious!
  16. Hopefully entertaining games Sunday. But I'll have to watch the Chiefs / Cincy game with the sound off. Kermit's snap count is the most annoying sound on the planet to me. It's worse then nails on a chalkboard or listening to Gilbert Gottfried talk for an hour.
  17. I didn't have Prime before the season and there was no way I was getting it just for Thurs games. So I miss most of the games, but not Bills. I say yes to the sports bar option. Probably spent more on the 2 games in the long run, but I don't care. Atmosphere, decent food and plenty of beer.
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