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  1. Well played! Nothing wrong with a little 'savior' nookie.
  2. Unfortunately, that's not the Bills M.O. They normally start slow. It's either a one score game or they're behind at halftime. It's a little maddening, but at least they normally have a real good 2nd half.
  3. Win: "HOOOOORAY" Lose: "F********K
  4. If true, I'm thinking we'd have at least 1 championship by now.
  5. That looks more like a recipe than a formula. But then again, I don't math well.
  6. Win: Ravens are overrated. Lose: It's Buffalo sports.
  7. Aaaahhh! The perfect remedy for nervousness......... lots of caffeine on an empty stomach.
  8. Change the name in the thread title to Derrick Henry and then I'll care.
  9. And if you value your job, don't call fans from the other team nasty names while being recorded.
  10. Heavyweight Matchup this Sunday....Allen vs Jackson! Am I doing this right?
  11. If you only look at past seasons, the boogeyman is real. It's taken a different form every year.
  12. I wish I could get there, but I can't. This is Buffalo sports. So there is absolutely a way they can get bounced in their 3rd Divisional game in a row.
  13. When those first started showing up, I would change the channel every time. Still do. There's a sophisticated way to sell these kinds of products. Those aren't it, They're creepy as hell.
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