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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. They are in a tough division. The 0-2 start against the browns and ravens, is hole, maybe a shallow hole, but the Cincy has bungled its way into a hole.
  2. This helps make all the recievers look good, and opens up the running game. Drop that to a normal 70% completion rate and an INT (Mahomes line today), and the game would have looked much different
  3. if last weeks loss of a game which was tied at the end of regulation was entirely Josh's fault. Today's win is entirely Josh's win: 83.8% completion, 124.5 passer rating are why the rest of the offense looked good. (I mostly jest, last weeks was a team loss, this week was a team win)
  4. Someone has to be inactive. Who do you want inactive instead of Hamlin?
  5. Singular point when one of the stupiest threads in TBD history was started:
  6. This is probably the dumbest thread title in TBD history.
  7. we need a quick thread "Josh Allen's completion rate is only 100%, why is he broken"
  8. this is what many of the TBD fans want. Any ending even a punt that is not a turnover is a win.
  9. Its almost like the Bills had not considered the possibility a game could end in overtime Sunday. It was like the keystone cops.
  10. LOL, the Bills controlled time of possession against the Jets. I can't believe someone is dragging out the "poor exhausted defense excuse"
  11. If its true, then its not in jest. If its in jest, then its not true.
  12. Every offensive possession (unless it ends the game or half) results in the other team getting the ball back.
  13. Did we get our "sorry we f'd you over and caused your team to lose a game, it MAY have otherwise had a chance to win apology". Or are we satisifed that some nobody has to pay the very poor NFL, $4,833 as compensation?
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