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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. Disingenous at best. McDernott is reputed to have huge input on the draft.
  2. Maybe. Were the Bills required to draft a DE that year?
  3. There should be a bitter fantasy owner emoji.
  4. This gem from a packers fan site made me chuckle: "... Now we know how bears fans have felt like… forever."
  5. Lafluer couldn't get it done with Rodgers, its impossible to even image him winning championships with Love. Packers need to move on from one or both of them after this season. Love is providing evidence that "seating and holding a clipboard" may not be the best way to develop a QB.
  6. hence the use of the words "MAY not"
  7. He may be a virtual rookie longer than Ryan Fitzpatrick was.
  8. La Porta is a beast. I loved the Kincaid pick. But he may not be the best TE in the draft class.
  9. The packers have been rope-a-doping the NFL with Love. First, sit him on the bench for three years, then have him come in and play poorly, but somehow squeek into the playoffs. Only then with the real Love be awakened to dazzle us as the second coming of Aaron Rodgers.
  10. Maybe Love is really left handed.
  11. Starting to wonder if Love will get yanked. He is just awful.
  12. And scoring TD after TD with said RB. Someone needs to be fired now.
  13. Lions will probably run away with this division.
  14. Do they get more than 6 points if the other guy scores the TD?
  15. Media told us Howell as brilliant too
  16. Goff with back to back nice throws
  17. There were guys better than Hurts in high school, who are not even in the NFL. So you are following up your goofy take, with an even goofier take. Bears better be on the horn with the Saskatchewan Roughriders to sign up Shea Patterson. https://247sports.com/Season/2016-Football/CompositeRecruitRankings/?InstitutionGroup=HighSchool&PositionGroup=QB
  18. What part of the difference between "All is well" and "Perfect" don't you understand? We are all here to help.
  19. I guess you are incapable of selecting "something else "and providing a reason. 💩
  20. Sometimes motivation is key. "Spencer, if things don't pick up, we are going to have to fix you"
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