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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. They are three and three. The bills were one one yard play away from being in third place right behind them last night.
  2. Bills need a head coach who is Allen's partner for the rest of Allen's career. Whether it was/is Bill Walsh, Bill Belichek, Tom Landry, Chuck Noll, Marv Levy or Andy Reid, this is the best formula for sustained championship level play. The Bills have solved the hard part they have the QB. Having a head coach who seems proud of not understanding offense (and certainly not responsible or accountable for it) seems to not be the optimal strategy. A series of OC's who leave because they succeed, or leave because they fail, have one thing in common, they leave is not a substitute. Its negligence for McDermott to be in his 6th season with Allen, and the team seems to be experimenting on how to use a world class QB. A change in coaching is no guarantee of success. The status quo shows no evidence it will ever succeed.
  3. Toxic Masculinity. He should probably be forced to take some sort of sensitivty training after that public display of aggression. On the last play. But the Bills could have a 14 point lead at that point, if the officials were competent .
  4. Contract years remaining for current starters under 30 is probably the most relevant way to look at team stability. Mean age is problematic for a variety of reasons. One example is having a 20 year old under a four you contract and a 32 year old under a four year contract, means you have two players with an average age of 26, with an average of four years remaining. This means zero prime years for most positions. And much different than having two 26 years olds under contract for four years, means you have two guys locked up for their peak years.
  5. Facutally, I did not refer to other fans. It was a personal observation. It is 100% accurate as my personal observation.
  6. THE GOOD BIlls got the W. Other than that, nothing about the coaching, playing or officiating had anything worthy of being called good. Apologies, I forgot we learned that Miniature Horses were allowed in the stadium this week. That was also good. THE BAD Preparation. Sean McDermott has been the head coach for 6 years now. We still see too many games, where the Bills simply look unprepared. I am sure I am hyper sensitive to the Bills in this regard. But even when the Chiefs or Niners, or top historical teams lost, I don't recall many situation where I thought "these guys were not ready". NOTE THIS IS A VERBATIM REPEAT OF THE BAD FROM THE LONDON GAME. The lack of preparation from the travel planning to two piss poor weeks of execution of made the entire Bills organization look amateurish. (Amateur product is today's overall theme) THE UGLY Offensive Game Plan Roller Coaster. Barely worth elaborating on. Dorsey's game plan was amatuer hour last night. So was the play calling Offensive execution. Bills online looked like it had five backups playing against the 85 bears at time. Head Coaching - Time management and play calling in the final two minutes prevented closing out a game once again. Fans at most high schools would be mad at their coaches for a similar display. Amateur Only Giant's inepeitude prevented the Bills from losing at the end Defensive execution. Against a back up QB, and five backup onlinemen, their should have been 10 sacks and a couple of turnovers. Instead Taylor typically had enough time in the pocket to compose this post. Defensive coaching in clutch situations. Defense can't be relied on to close out a game. If the Bills do not have the ball a lead, or on defense with a nine point lead with two minutes remaining in game, there is no reason to expect the defense to close out the game. Thirteen seconds maybe the grand daddy of all of these failures, but McDermott's defense, like Fraiziers, can't be relied on to close out a game. Just a reminder the Giants had their second string QB in the game, and entire offensive line of backups. Special teams. Bass gets an F. (he has been a great player, but subjecting fans to two "wide rights" against the Giants is actually an F-. Officiating - a)tangled feet my ass b) letting the Giants defense catch their breath for 5 minutes, while they sorted out an obvious offsetting penalty situation was almost as amateur hour as Bills offensive play calling. Commentary - not the worst Collinsworth ever was. But still Colliinsworth. By the end he seemed to genuinely feel sorry for Bills fans being subject to this nonsense. There was also this bizzare commentating threa throughout the game that Daboll knew the Bills inside and out, without even once suggesting McDermott should have a clue about Taylor (whom he coached) or Daboll whom he supervised. State consumer product officials should probably require the NFL, Buffalo Bills, and NY Giants to recall last nights game, due to the fact that it was completely defective. .
  7. The third down decision was the blunder. If you know you are willing to kick the field goal third down should be a running play. Make the giants burn their last time out and maybe pick up a couple of yards
  8. Six seasons in there is zero evidence McDermott can prepare a team to win four games in a row in the post season against playoff caliber teams. Literally zero evidence. Hoping is not a strategy.
  9. If you were going to go for the field goal, the third down was a 100% run play call then.
  10. Didn't the giants d give up 500 yards last game?
  11. Literally nothing for the team to build on from this game. Best thing they can do is send it down the memory hole.
  12. If the Bills lose this, the entire coaching staff should be fired tonight.
  13. it was a safe throw that should have been caught.
  14. if we don't convert, do we punt? Kick, run a play?
  15. Imagining this defense against a NFL caliber offense made up of starters is a bit scary.
  16. got clobbered betting on the bills tonight. But happy to get the win.
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