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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. Is the crap special teams play, Dorsey or Allen's fault?
  2. check your sarcasm detector settings. I also don't really think injuries on defense are hampering the offense.
  3. We are doing that intentionally by design, its the only thing keeping the defense from being completely embarrased. The defense has forced two punts against the two worst offenses in the NFL Giants/ Patriots in 4.5 quarters.
  4. If the Dolphins win big tonight, it will be impossible to watch any sports program on TV without hurling the remote through the screen.
  5. This is due to a combination of injuries to the defense and jet lag. What we do know for certain, is that this offense is not McDermott's responsibility in any way shape or form.
  6. Murray's penatly, and Bass's third wide right in two games, are the two key plays of this debacle of a game. Even with the stink pile play, it could be 13-10.
  7. Read the thread comments. Apparently they are perfectly prepared, but can't execute notwithstanding the perfect prepartion.
  8. Bellichek showed a lot of respect, not calling a time out, and potentailly making the Bills punt from the end zone.
  9. due to lack of confidence in his team, we did not use any time outs to preserve clock.
  10. that piss poor tackling of mac jones, is all on Allen.
  11. they ubered, in vintage VW beetles. It was a pretty stressfull trip.
  12. When your problem is predictability, the problem gets worse and worse as time goes on.
  13. Allen should be holding for Bass. Its Allen's fault.
  14. soon as team got four games of film on the 2023 offense.
  15. Mac Jones has all day. Allen, not so much.
  16. Ravens 28 Lions 0. Bills are not top 2 in the AFc
  17. do you understand preparation is part of coaching?
  18. Defense has been useless for four straigtht quarters.
  19. Bills should be embarrassed with this effort. Blame starts and stops with the head coaching. Offense, Defense (1 forced punt, zero turnovers in four possessions) and special teams all sucking. It all rolls up to the same guy, the head coach.
  20. Poor coaching. Lack of preparation. No one seems to care.
  21. Von Miller. Groot seem to have lost interest. This effort is pure shite across the board. Coaching debacle of epic proportions.
  22. the last pass was thrown away. Diggs wasn't open. Just the guy in the general direction of the throw away. Diggs had one legit target so far.
  23. McDermott will be channelling his inner Jauron soon "its hard to win in the NFL"
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