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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. 3rd and fifteen. now they have us where they want us.
  2. just never take 1 point off the board for a chance to make 2. in the first half
  3. should never have gone for 2 the last time, and then compounded the problem. coaches love shooting themselve in thefoot.
  4. Another play from the NFL's best fullback
  5. that is the NFL's best full back right there.
  6. Chiefs third strings stopped our front four not that many playoffs back
  7. Chiefs offense sucked this season. This is the worst defense they have seen.
  8. Bills are the washington generals. Chiefs are the globe trotters
  9. no need, front four is going to cause havoc
  10. McDermott is going to rely on the front four to create havoc.
  11. Would you care, if we hired a new DC and told him he could blow up the whole defense if he wanted? Is there anything we really need to keep?
  12. We don't have a single stop in the game, other than the unforced error by the Chiefs. Its nothing close to coin flip. We need a major turn of events.
  13. Our defensive strategy is to make the QB run around and drop the ball. You can't expect it to work every drive.
  14. We have been a decent second half team in some other games we pooped the bed on in the first half.
  15. and as an added bonus we took a point of the board.
  16. He had two great drives. He had one bad drive. He had drive killing drops on one drive.
  17. If we did an instant poll, most fans would be happy we are losing by five after this first half debacle.
  18. we are 100% lucky. We have been getting our butts handed to us. Offense put up 17. 34 would be expected to win. Defense gave up more points than the chiefs had in any half this season. That is not so good.
  19. We have our answer to the outcome. We are destined to lose by 1.
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