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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. It the Bills case, Josh Allen is RB 1 in the red zone. The desire for a bruising style runner to compliment and take the burden off of Allen is more important to the Bills, than anything the RBs do between the 20's. The best stat in sports is baseball's WAR. WAR does not work quite as easily in the NFL. My personal OPINION is that there are at least 20 other backs in the NFL that would have allowed the Bills to finish 11-5, and lose in the divisional round of the playoffs. And that there are less than five backs, who individually would have moved the dial forward in terms of wins or loses for the Bills. As mentioned Cook is fine. He is a solid RB on a rookie salary. Perfect for the Bills needs. So was Singletary. And Cook will be likely be gone when he is no longer on a rookie contract, to be replaced by the next guy.
  2. Allen wastes his time golfing, when he could be learning to kick.
  3. Its not really a matter of upgrading the position. The RB position carries a low dollar value for a reason. Its not that it is an unimportant position. It is important. But gap between the 10th best guy and the 40th best guy is pretty small. There are only a couple of guys in the league that make a huge difference throughout the game. Most notably McCafferty. The list gets pretty small after him. As an illustration of his true impact on the team, When the Bills ran the fake punt on 4th and 3, a lot of fans thought it was nuts to take the ball out of Allens hands for the fake. I did not see a single person who said "we have James Cook, we can count on him for three yards when things are tough, why run Hamlin on a fake". I also did not see one person say teams can't stop "Allen and Cook", when three yards are on the line. Cook is an nice player between the 20's. We don't need anyone better in that role. The Bills will keep him there as long as the price is right. But he is replaceable if his price increases meaninguflly.
  4. I watched the games. The stats match my eyes. If Cook was effective, we would have used Cook more.
  5. He was not particularly effective in the Redzone. https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/red-zone-stats/rb.php?range=full
  6. What makes it a scam? Are tricked into watching? It seems more like a straightforward aboveboard business model than a scam.
  7. Not everyone aggrees with Joe regarding Joe.
  8. 2024 will start with the same coaching staff 2023 ended with, with some title changes. Bills will have the same QB. In real life, this means the Bills will be having one of the least drastic offseasons of any NFL team. We will cut some over the hill veterans, and draft players. So will every other NFL team. The good news is we are only about 50 weeks away from knowing if running things back will get us past the divisional round.
  9. The Bills have been trying to build a defense to stop the chiefs in the playoffs. I think it is clear no matter how many resources committed to defense, the Bills do not have the abilty to do this. I think they need to focus on how to score 35+ against the chiefs in the playoffs. I do not know if Henry helps with that or not. If he does help to accomplish that. Go get him. If not, pass
  10. You need to name the names of the more deserving
  11. They are the first important players who are near the end of their careers who were part of the majority of the multi-year divisional championship run The Bills have been on. That seems to distinguish them from the drought era players.
  12. As a Brady, he is responsible for inflating the footballs. But he is not good at it. He keeps over inflating them.
  13. Probably come to the realization that the realization of a 6 decade obsession has no actual impact on any meaningful aspect of my life. Then start worrying about how the Bills can use the upcoming draft to repeat.
  14. At the time, 13 seconds was an acute condition, like a bullet wound. It was painful and traumatic. However, expectations were for a full recovery. We now suffer from a chronic condition of having "reasons" every year for not getting past the divisional round. There is no actual known cure for this chronic condition. Some people either continue to have expectations for a better result next year, fueled more by hopes and prayers than expecations for important strategic, coaching or personnel changes. Others cope by having lowered expecations and satisifaction that "making the playoffs every year is pretty darn good, certainly better than the drought". Others are just bummed out. All of these responses to the situation are reasonable, there really is no "right way" for fans to feel about the situation.
  15. Just get in line and support. Stop your bellyaching.
  16. Since there is no rush to win, I think a good idea would be to have a couple of "raffles" each year, where the winner gets to call the plays for the game that week. This would give hundreds of thousands of people the chance live out their dream of coaching an NFL game. This seems much fairer than selfishly worrying about one guy winning a super bowl before he has reached the appropriate age.
  17. We have proven they we are a top 8 team in the NFL.
  18. After watching Kincaid make catches look fairly routine, that others on the Bills routinely don't catch, I have become a huge believer that good hands is at the top of the list for what the Bills need. Maybe just fan frustration. But if he lived up to the "best hands in class" billing, I could live with other limitations.
  19. I find this combination of loyalty and the perception of another fanbase's loyalty fascinating:
  20. The word "probably" is pretty critical in understanding my post. What we do know is that fully adjusted for the game pressure of the NFL Championship game, the Lions are not very good at converting 4th and 3.
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