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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. 5 any given Sundays is statistically unlikely. Players and coaches win and use games. The players and coaches who are better than the other players and coaches win more games than the other players any coaches. Denying this reality is laughable.
  2. I don't want to get rid of McDermott. I want him to get better. Real question. Is McDermott getting better? What does he do better now than two seasons ago: 1) Coaching staff selection? 2)Game plan? 3) Game prep? 4)Player evaluation? 5) General game management? 6) Clock management?
  3. Its a poll. If the players on the other team out execute the players on the Bills team, that means they are better. Pick the better players option. You are entitled to the opinion it is more on the players than the coaches. 5 losses don't happen randomly.
  4. Before the season I felt like the Bills had a top 5 QB, a top 5 coach, and a top 10 roster. I thought it was a formula for a SB trip. My assessment now is the the Bill have a top 5 QB, the 10th best coach and NFL average rest of roster. Not sure that is a formula for a SB run.
  5. Its almost like you watched the game and TV and want to pretend the wind wasn't a factor.
  6. I am still bitter about this five days later
  7. Maybe it is semantics but the team with the better roster for the matchup has the better roster as it relates to that game.
  8. Last I looked, OL/DL and Rb are all players. So you are saying the other teams roster was stronger overall than our roster.
  9. Already did without your permission. Its is perfectly logical to asses the average talent level of two teams rosters vs each other.
  10. What is silly? That the team who wins outplayed the other team?
  11. Games are made up of players and coaches. I supposed 50/50 is a option. If you lose its pretty simple, you got outplayed or outcoached. It is often a combination. The poll is asking which is the bigger issue. It seems some people want an option along the lines of "we outcoached and outplayed the other teams, but we lost anyway"
  12. So you are saying the other players are better because Josh has not been good enough. I don't know how I could more clearly state in the OP, my opinion that coaching is the problem.
  13. It seems like players that can't execute might not be good players.
  14. Every football game has a unique set of circumstances. Reasons for winning and losing can certainly vary. But over time there are certain trends one might notice. In four of the five Bills losses this season, I think the Bills were clearly outcoached. There is not a single loss I blame on the other team having better players. Of course this is an opinion. I am curious as to other peoples opinions.
  15. Bills have to win. I can’t imagine the Patriots and Brady parting ways with the end result beating the Bills back to back.
  16. The defense allowing them to score the first eight points definitely allowed the Patriots to stick to their well thought out and well executed game plan.
  17. I want to win very badly. I am willing to criticize every mistake the Bills make. I want to win very badly. But this edition of the Bills transcends my normal compulsion to win. I am an old man. Huge sports fan since the 60's first baseball, then baseball and football, later baseball football and college basketball (Go Bonnies) but trickling off to only following the Bills closely these days. In my youth I loved the players, Bobby Murcer, Thurman Munson, Reggie Jackson (A's and Yankees version). I wanted them to win, but my love was unconditional. Over the years, free agency and the general demeanor of players made it harder to love them personally (thanks OJ) and the only satisfaction was if my team won. The Josh Allen / Stefan Diggs version of the Bills have made me love them like no team in any sport in decades. They are class acts. The enjoy life. They play with passsion. They have become part of the community. They are fun. Truth be told, if Beane errs on the side of continuity because the players are great people, I can't fault him. The problem with loving the players is that when they lose, I am more disappointed for the players than I am for the fans. But if they can "Just make me love them" I can handle not winning them all. PS. "Just win baby" is far catchier.
  18. To be far, the RBs are also awful. To be fair, the running backs also lack speed and power.
  19. Yep. The Bills have a good team. So do 10 to 13 other teams. Arguably last years Bills team was better. There is a legitimate concern on whether or not the Bills under current management have hit their ceiling.
  20. I appreciate your optimism. The Bills failed. Full stop. From Knox killing the first drive with an easy drop. To letting the Patriots get out as front runners by being blown off the ball, to let them get up 8-0, to the worst set of play calls in NFL history on first and goal from the 6 yard line, the Bills demonstrated they can't deliver. There is zero evidence to suggest that if the Bills put more points on the board early, that that Patriots would not have been able to deliver more points on their end. The Pats didn't throw only 2 passes because they were afraid to throw more, they threw exactly the number of passes they needed to win the game.
  21. Tom Brady's team wins with a very unblanced attack for decades. Derrick Henry's team wins with an unbalanced attack. Steelers killer bee glory years had a very balanced attack. Winning and losing is not about over all scheme. Its about being good at what you are trying to do. I have never seen a worse team at establishing any sort of rhythm on offense. This is because we are poorly coached in blocking schemes, have mostly poor play design and absurdly random play calling.
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