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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. San Fran just beat Rodgers with the Jimmy G. and have already drafted their QB for the future. Seems unlikely. Rodgers on Titans (this years #1 seed) makes them the instant AFC favorite next year.
  2. 1) I don't believe white people are overrepresented in coaching vs the general population. 2)Each decision on a player or coach is made about the INDIVIDUAL who gives the team the best chance to win in that role. So, if white people are overrepresented as coaches, it is simply the collective result by the EXACT SAME DECISION MAKERS who assessed the individual players and massively underrepresented white people.
  3. Wow. What a terrible unjustified take. The NFL is driven 100% by merit/winning. The reason the league is 450% overrepresented by minorities in the players ranks is because they give teams the best chance to win. The same decision makers who pick minorities to play and pay them millions of dollars at 450% time their representation in the population, don't likely turn around and select coaches they think are more likely to lose than the alternatives because of their race. The concept is absurd on its face.
  4. Josh has seen his dreams realized, and wants to share the success with the world. So refreshing.
  5. Mao the revolutionary says cool sounding bull####. Mao in power is an evil son of a B word who will kill you for your own good. Same story for left wingnuts everywhere and always
  6. When all is said and done, this lawsuit will be viewed as the sham.
  7. huh. He maintained integrity by making sure he got his?
  8. 14 Teams made the playoffs. Put Josh on any of those teams, and they are as much a contender as the Bills are. Put Josh on the Colts and they go from no playoffs to super bowl favorites. In other words, you put Josh on at least half the NFL teams, and the likelyhood of them making the playoffs is the same as the Bills.
  9. Actually you are avoiding my question. You are mental if you think the NFL hires players on merit, and hires coaches on race.
  10. Society working overtime to wipe out images of minorities. Land o Lakes butter is my favorite. Got rid of the Native American, and kept the land in its logo. Just like real life.
  11. Whats odd is the 500% over representation among the players. Please explain how such a thing could happen? It has to be racism.
  12. So you agree there is systemic racism in the player selection. Coaching is close to the racial breakdown of the general population. Minoritys are 500% over represented among players. The only possible explanation is systemic racism. Please don't try to tell me the NFL selects its player on merit not race.
  13. According to several on this forum, just having the opportunity for a sham interview can be a transformational experience.
  14. Best QB in the league. Rest of the roster is league average. Head coach is about 10th best overall. Bottom half in clock management. This is the formula we used for a 12-7 season, with 1-1 record in the playoffs. Shocking if we were to miss the playoffs next year. Equally shocking if we win the Super Bowl next year. There are four other teams in the AFC with similar chances to the Bills. As an aside the 13 second debacle only serves to reinforce other teams that when its the Bills their is always a chance they will blow it. Hated this particular reinforcement.
  15. The question the OP asked is who I wanted. I answered the question.
  16. I predict that Josh Allen will not lead the Bills to a TD drive on every possession. Clearly a regression.
  17. What about the systemic racism leads to have a league that is 70% African American among players. Such a wildly disproportionate outcome could not possibly be reflective of true merit.
  18. The reference was too Peyton Manning
  19. Peyton "Go Bills" Manning. No explanation needed.
  20. Buddy would have been better served to listen to the fans.
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