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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. Betting purely based on what I want to happen. My brain tells the chiefs at -136 is an incredible value though.
  2. The first time I saw him play was in a Bills preseason game. I told me wife during the game. This guy will be the best QB the Bills have ever had. Its not clear to me how NFL scouts could pass over his obvious natural physical gifts to land instead on Baker Mayfield for Sam Darnold. Thank God incompetence runs rampant through the NFL. I believe you.
  3. I thought people realized the thread was about Kelly and Allen. Apologies.
  4. During the Jim Kelly era there was no love or respect for Josh Allen. Nada, nothing, zip, like he didn't even exist.
  5. Hardly the same as bringing in Stafford, OBJ (on a short term win now deal) and Von Miller (on a short term win now deal). But I guess a guy off the street like Klein is the same sort of win now commitment.
  6. So no support at all that he is a CB wizard
  7. Based on the Tre White pick, Bills fans concluded Beane was a wizard at finding CBs. So far it seems to remain the only data point supporting wizard status.
  8. In current physical shape with a sore ankle he could very well be deemed the 7th best option. And that is not a problem at all.
  9. Its a fair point. But when the gauntlet is led by Jacoby Brisset, Jared Goff and Mac Jones the odds of winning the three road games is probably higher. I also suspect the NFL never or almost never schedules three road games in a row ending with a Thursday night game.
  10. This teams chemistry really is McDermott's crowing achievement. It makes it more fun for fans and makes it easily to emotionally invest in the team. In many ways it is a great strategy. I see no reason to disrupt. Part of that strategy seems include "dance with who you brung". The teams seems to want to win together with the players it has or lose together. And there is the only real downside. Dance with who you brung, means you might not be dancing with the prettiest girl. The last couple of super bow winners, the Rams, and Bucs won with big contributions from new players. I am fully on board with the Bills strategy, but it is not at all clear it is the optimal strategy for winning championships. "Winning isn’t everything; it's the only thing" is a well-known quotation in sports. This may or may not be the same as "process and player happiness are not the only thing, they are everything" . It would be wonderful to have both.
  11. Hopefully we can have even fewer and fewer quality workers in the future, so that people have to become nicer and nicer.
  12. Its not a silly hypothetical. It makes clear the point the play is over. It is fundamentally inconsistent to require some further action after the play is clearly over. It makes zero logical sense. The rule needs to determine if the player had possession at the moment the play is over. Same exact rule applies inbounds. Play is not over until the player hits the ground after contact, with control of the ball, if he loses it on contact, it is not a catch because he did not possess it at the time the play was over.
  13. Catch SHOULD be qualified by 1) two feet down in bounds with possession 2) touching out of bounds with possession. Since the ball can no longer be advanced, the play should be considered over at that instance. What would happen if the reciever is pushed out of bounds and juggles the ball until he comes back in bounds, and then falls to the ground with the ball, should that be considered a catch?, or was the play over as soon as he touched the ball while out of bounds?
  14. We went from Josh at 80 percent physical strength (still top 10 qb) to Josh at 95 percent (Top 1 or 2 QB). They is the total difference. You swap mac Jones for Josh Allen and the Pats win by 3 scores.
  15. In bounds you are correct because the play is not over. Out of bounds the play is over the first moment the player touches out of bounds. It analogous to the ball breaking the he plane is the goal line. The play ends at that point.
  16. One the runner is “down” with possession it is logically for the play to end. In Poyers case he has possession in bounds and the moment his first foot touched out of bounds he still had possession and was “down”. Play should be deemed complete as soon as he is down. The rule should be “possession surviving until down”
  17. If Brown plays much expect to see Diggs in the slot a lot.
  18. The first NFL hurdle made Diggs want to be a Bill. Single most consequential POSITIVE play in franchise history.
  19. When did Brady win with an oline the quality of the Bills current online?
  20. Have we really clearly hit on cornerback besides Tre White? I reallize our defensive scheme overall has led to pretty nice stats. But is seems more scheme driven than individual talents.
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