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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. Kind of odd to be in “win now” mode and also be patient to train a rookie OC. Can’t really be both. Dorsey has to be ready now , or replaced with someone who is
  2. People live in this fantasy world where the defenses are always giving something. The Bills are plagued with recievers that can't get separation. There are tons of plays where no one is open.
  3. If you think Josh is holding back this team, you are simple minded.
  4. We have a sample size of 1 game of Josh playing in Lake Mighigan high winds in sub-zero wind chills. He won. Not sure it is a representative statistical game. Part of me thinks he could have been almost as good as Dak Prescott (not that anyone can every truly reach the heights that are Dak Prescott) yesterday if he had played in relatively warm and windless Dallas.
  5. Is this a hobby of yours, or an actual job?
  6. not sure why you are posting a racist tweet.
  7. Loser mentality for the Jags there
  8. These two young men deserve this honor. They are incredible talents, and incredible people. Their parents also deserve awards for raising these men. I hope Mr. Pegula has put a team together around Josh that that can consistently compete with the Chiefs. Lot of horses before carts in that second sentence.
  9. Dak practically defines QB purgatory. The only NFL team you could place him on right now and think there is a chance to win a championship is the 49ers. And that is because the 49ers seem to have a chance with any QB, including Brock Purdy. Said another way, there is no team in the NFL "a Dak Prescott" away from winning the championship.
  10. How many years in the league without a playoff win. Dak's success level is well below average.
  11. Was Mahomes brilliant in KC's three losses. Was Burrows brilliant in Cincy's four losses? Does Philly even need Hurts?
  12. One of the real disconnects among people on this board is the context for commentary. There are a number of camps. 1) people who understand what correlates to winning championships. All of these people have known the importance of the #1 seed before the seasons begin. These people get upset at every single loss, because they understand the dramatic reduction in the liklihood of the championship. People who don't understand this correlation tend to accuse this group of overreactiing. But in the context of winning championships they are simply reacting, not over reacting. Except for a couple of bad coaching decisions at the end of games, the Bills would be in the same catbird seat the Eagles are in in the NFC. 2)people who are happy with the Bils being above average in some statisical aspect, and feel as though being above average gives you a good chance to win a championship. These are the types of posters who in their superior fanhood inform you that the Bills defense is 8th in yards per carry allowed to suggest the Bills run defense is championship caliber, and that no one should be upset about any above single game poor performance. 3)Peope who are happy to have a better team than the ones assembled by Doug Whaley or coached by Dick Jauron, and freak out at any criticism leveled by the people in group 1 above. This posters typical respond with some version of "if you don't concede Leslie Frazier is best DC the Bills could possibly have, that means you want to go back to the "Rex Ryan" era. These people don't seem to realize the 2022 Bills do not have the 2012 Bills on their schedule. The people in group one have the highest expectations, and (usually correctly) point out how little it takes to NOT win a championship. Almost everything has to go right. It seems clear the people criticizing the group one posters really don't understand the context of why they are upset about seemingly minor problems.
  13. My wife calls him python. I am not sure why.
  14. Hurts has the # 1 graded offense (PFF) supporting him. Mahomes has the #2 graded offense supporting him.. Burrows has the #4 rated offense supporting him. Josh is stuck with the #14 graded offense supporting him. Hurts, Mahomes, and Burrows would struggle to make the playoffs if they were on the Bills instead of Allen. Regardless of what some nutbag voters decide, Allen is the best player in the NFl, the best QB in the NFl, the most important player to his team in the NFL, and asked to do do more than any other player in the NFL. Allen is the MVP, and its not close.
  15. Oline is where it is at. If Josh has time, any five Jags at WR will be just fine.
  16. Mitch should retire. The Bills should have the goal of having a better Oline than the Chiefs and a better oline for the Bengals next year. Anything short of that as the gaol is malpractice.
  17. Kirk Cousins is the quintessential average QB. PFF ranks him 13th 7 spots below the Minnesota defense as a whole. So he is a minus 7. Josh is a +13. You are probably pretty accurate in your 4-10 assessment of the Bills without Josh.
  18. There was a pretty good heated discussion after the game last night between 2 of the NFL Network commentators after the game. One person was pretty animated that Allen was the best, and that there are quite a few QBs you could drop into the Eagles and have a great team. His point was that the Bills were not even a contender without Allen. The other person eventually conceded Allen was better, but only becaue he was more experienced. So if the voters have similar views and don't grade on a curve to accomodate experience maybe Josh will win over the voters.
  19. People that don't understand things really do have trouble incorporating the type of data PFF provides into their thinking. So I understand why you don't want to consider PFF.
  20. Which conclusion do you disagree with. 1)Josh is the Best 2) He gets the least support of the Top QBs. ?
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