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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. The poster you responded too lacks clues. He seems to be dolphin fan who trolls this board.
  2. I recommended that the raise season ticket prices next year. I think they will listen to that.
  3. I agree, but one of those guys has $160 million contract and the other does not
  4. Are you concerned that what happened to the Eagles bringing in Siriani will happen to the Bills?
  5. If you watched the Chiefs / Bengals game and want to change your answer to coaching now, it is easy to do. Just click the show more options button and you can correct your vote.
  6. this game seems to provide a lot of support for this view.
  7. If KC Defense puts Burrows under the same amount of pressure the Bills did, and Mahomes plays like he has a bad ankle and Kelce plays like he is injured, the Bengals could roll over them.
  8. NFL losing their marketing minds at the thought of Josh Johnson starting a Super Bowl. Refs have strict insturctions.
  9. Posts on this forum should all be tagged with one of: talking about what it takes to be the champion what it takes to make the playoffs what it takes to be better than the buddy nix/doug whaley teams. These are three very different standards, and people seem to respond from their own perspective rather than try to under the perspective of the person they are responding too.
  10. When are we "getting after it" in the first place? Doesn't that have to happen before you keep getting after it.
  11. How would you feel if Rodgers ended up on the Jets?
  12. That is not what the original post says. can'y as in haven't. Not dismissing the future possibilty of creating a consistent passing pocket.
  13. We don't know how good of a pocket passer he could be. We can't coach up a pocket.
  14. I was not previously familiar with this expression. Its pretty funny.
  15. Ten years is based on this supposition.
  16. Allen has the height and arm and brain to transition to a pure pocket passer as he ages. We realistically have 10 more years of high end QB play from Allen. Best case scenario, McDermott wins multiple super bowls with Allen, starting next year. Worst case scenario, we are Jeff Fishered with McDermott.
  17. Your response is truly useless. A main point is that there is literally (in the real use of the world literally) no possible meaningful increase in production from the QB position for the Bills. We need to pray he can continue at this level. (This is also true of the Chiefs). If the coaching staff can't get it together to win championships with Allen as QB, they will not be capable with any QB. True story. 50% of the original post is about QB's. not sure what your point is.
  18. Just showing you what the actual AI generated in response to your previous post. That had not been previously posted. We are all going to be replaced. We are only a few years away from much more accurate medical diagnosis without needing physicians at all (tools plus AI). Once you except that, you realize that you realize none of us will be as good as the machines at what we do. Only strategy to defend, invest in the right AI companies now.
  19. Context and reading comprehension can be important things to understand. My response was to someone who posited that Milano was the only intense guy on the team. I did not have to name all the others (Diggs, Hyde, Miller, Poyer, White, Hamlin, Milano). Will you be able to provide a list of a team of with 22 intense starters? What is the normal number of intense starters? I am pretty sure if your DC instructs you to play 10 yards off the LOS on a third and five, it becomes fairly tough to play intensely. Truth be told, I doubt anyone lasts more than a few plays as an NFL starter without being tough and intense. I think you are confuslng lack of talent with softness.
  20. I would suggest Josh Allen is as intense a player as any in the NFL.
  21. At this point of the polling, its Oline and coaching. The follow up question: Is this coaching/gm staff capable of fixing the Oline? Or are these two results connected?
  22. Here's the thing. Allen alone can compensate for the poor oline against all but the top teams. If we don't improve this unit, the season with be long in the sense we will make the playoffs, but it will be another tease season where we are back after the divisional playoff round discussing how the Bills get over the hump. If you are right, that will be the completion of McDermott's seventh season. How many head coaches get an 8th season without getting to a least one super bowl?
  23. This is a very fair point. Also I find it weird that people think Lawson brings the nasty, but Hyde, Poyer and Miller make the soft list.
  24. I am a huge Josh Allen fan. I think if you put him on any NFL team, the minimum expecation for that team would be to make the playoffs. The expectation for more than half the teams would be to advance to the divisional playoff round. For each of the current final four teams, the expecation if Allen was their QB would be super bowl appearance minimum. He is an NFL force of nature. On a long drive yesterday the people in the car were discussing what would have happened in each of our games in two different scenarios. One swap our components QB with Allen. The second scenario (separate from the first) is how would we have faired if we swapped game day coaches. This is an approximate summary of our discussion: We concluded swapping coaches would have likely resulted in the Bills winning the three regular season games we lost. We could not agree on whether swapping Taylor and McDermott alone, would have led to a playoff win for the Bills. I think it would have because I can't imagine Bills coaching figuring out how to defend Burrows with the make shift o line. But others thought we were so dominated that that would not have been enough. On the swap Allen alone side of the ledger, there were 8 games we felt the Bills actually won that we would have lost if QBs were swapped. We had some pretty bad QB opponents, and its hard to see the Frazier offense stopping Allen on most teams. People will certainly have different opinions. But I would be most interested in which specific games you disagree with our speculation. Side note: Bitter that the Bills are not playing today
  25. He is not going to play better. His production is already either 1-2 or 3 in the NFL by any measure. He does this under virtually constant duress We need to pray he continues to play at his current best-in-show level.
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