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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. A 3-4-4 would be preferably to the 0-2-5 we run in the playoffs. It would provide 1 more person in coverage and three more pass rushers.
  2. Elway, third season after bringing in Mike Shanahan. Before this Dan Reeves held him back for nine seasons. Manning, fourth season with Dungy as coach. Elway/Reeves is a good comp to Allen/McDermott. The good news is, if it is, we are only four years away from acknowleging the failure.
  3. they made two super bowls with two mediocre QBs. They started that run with nothing. No reason to think McVay can't do it again.
  4. So you’re saying the Ravens are a tougher playoff team than they the Bills? Because Cincy stomped us.
  5. Why could Sean Mcvay Zac Taylor and Nick Siriani get to skip so many steps to get to the Super Bowl?
  6. The Bills strategy on defense is to be passive and let crappy teams make unforced errors. And it works really well agains those teams. It collapses in the face of teams with talent and aggressive game plans. It seems unlikely to ever work deep into the playoffs.
  7. In real life coaches get to the Super Bowl within a couple of years if getting an elite qb on board. McDermott has had a long chance. He is currently the longest tenured coach without a Super Bowl win for his team. McVay , Taylor and Siriani are examples of recent guys who have gotten to the Super Bowl with a much quicker process.
  8. Reid could not get over the hump without an elite QB. McDermott has not got over the hump with an elite QB.
  9. If the information in this post is accurate, it is compelling, and is something the media should specifically be asking the Bills GM about.
  10. Could we invite the next Sean McVay or Nick Siriani, or Zac Taylor instead?
  11. Harbaugh hasn’t been relevent for a decade. mcVay went to the Super Bowl with two mid tier QBs in the last four years. My tiers are my opinion of “right now”. My primary evaluation is to look at each and ask “would this coach likely win a he Super Bowl given Mahomes or Allen as his QB”. It’s all opinion and speculation
  12. Two case studies they don’t usually make it into the coaches discussion. Should Shula have been kept as coach doe Marinos entire career? And did Jerry Jones make the right decision to fire Tom Landry?
  13. I don't exactly know what his game day coaching strengths are. But the team won 14 games.
  14. I place a high level of importance on the post season. McDaniel as a rookie head coach went deep into his first playoff game against an experienced playoff team and one of the NFL's top 3 QBs, with a third string QB, and nearly prevailed. His first year turnaround before that was remarkable. As a game day coach in the three games against the Bills, I thought he called a better game than McDermott. Saleh gets his props for having a team that competed almost every week, without having any QB who appeared to be a legit NFL QB. If you think the QB deficiency is Saleh's fault, then he should be massively downgraded. I thought Daboll did a fine job, and probably should be ranked on the same tier as them. I edited my original post to reflect that.
  15. He was hired in 2019, what are you talking about?
  16. My personal opinion is that QB and HC compromise about 80% of the formula to win a championship. These are generally the two positions that allow the rest of the talent to produce at a higher level (or lower level) than they would otherwise achieve. It is a common exercise for people to group QBs into tiers. I think it is widely accepted that Allen, Burrows and Mahomes compromise the top tier of QBs and that everyone else is not at their level. I have not seen people group HCs in a similar manner. There seems to be an argument for Kyle Shanahan being the magic coach of 2023 making it to the championship game with a rookie 7th round draft pick at the helm. And his past success maybe justifies him being in the top tier. Seems like parsing HC's is harder than QBs. I think people separate Aaron Rodgers talent from the team failing to make the playoffs this year. I think people can develop opions about Tua or Deshone Watson independent of their teams success. Not sure it is easy to do the same with HCs. Pretty sure that Bill Belichek, the only current coach with more than one SB Ring, wasn't a doofus carried along by Tom Brady only, and that all of a sudden he sucks because he is saddled with Zac Jones. My take on the top tier is that it is 1A) Reid, Belichek, Shanahan and McVay 1B) Zac Taylor. Nick Siriani, Carroll, Harbaugh 2) McDermott, Pederson, Tomlin, Pederson, Vrabel, Lafleur 2B) Stefanski, Saleh, McDaniel, Daboll 3) Campbell everyone else below that. I am not at all sure my conclusions are correct. But I am curious what others think. I am much more interested overall on where our coaches stack up against the other teams, than how our coaches stack up against past Bills coaching staffs (arguably the lowest bar possible)
  17. The ironic thing is that the complainers only need to exercise the self discipline to skip a thread. It is so easy to not read a thread.
  18. Has the process completed? After two years of regressing, will we be reprocessed?
  19. My expectation is that that Beane told the truth in his post season presser. We aren't as good as the Chiefs and Bengals, and their too many factors that will prevent him from improving the Bills to catch them. I think it is clear, that the coaching staff will be retained, and their will be roster turnover. The theme for the season will be that making the playoffs is a big accomplishment because of the roster turnover and that fans just need to give the coaches time to get the new players fully involved with the "process". Because we have Josh Allen we will make the playoffs. Because we have the current coaching staff we will exit the playoffs before the championship game. 2024 will be wash rinse and repeat. After we exit anyone complaining will scolded by the superior fans "surely you don't wan't Jones back"
  20. Specific coaching question. Do the Bills seem more predictable than other teams? More importantly is there any statistical way to measure predictability?
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