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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. PFF ranks him at 70. and taking him at 29 his a fail. No real consensus that he is a first round talent:
  2. OT Matthew Bergeron might be there at 59. I am less excited than the board about Wright. But I do think an improved line makes Diggs/Davis/Darty better. I don't think Hyatt or flowers makes the line better. But Allen can have a quick release, and Flowers might be the guy to get separation and move the chains the better than whom we have.
  3. Based on prellimary results we will not get to a consensus candidate with three choices available. Wright OT, leads. It seems as though we will eventually be removing the WR option. I suspect the WR voters are prioritizing offense and will shift to Wright, but really don't know for sure.
  4. Focus on the real problems holding the team back, like Josh Allen's aggressive play.
  5. yes. it ls less bananas than round 1 "must be LB". Literally no NFL team is thinking that. (correct use of the word literally). Or "we are DOA if its not MLB". Both are bananas.
  6. Dodson or Benard starting are at worst a lost season. Spencer Brown starting as a turnstile is at worst the lost of the future competetiveness of the team for a football generation.
  7. Why don't people have reading comprehension skills? When some one says "I am not sure why they are sliding" it would be a bit demented to respond with postives.
  8. Because they are projected to be gone before 27. If they are available they are already identified as BPA's to select in front of the choices we are discussing now. Its all explained here: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/246627-big-board-top-40-spots-first-cut/#comment-8335661 WR's and OT's are more expensive than LBs. 5 year cap protection is better utilized on those two positions. I would be OK with Campbell or Sanders at 27, but this is a situaton where one failure compounds itself by having to use a first round pick on an LB (not quite as bad as RB). And in this instance no one seems to think any LB choice is a sure fire starter. The goal for the LB selected in one seems to be "hopefully NFL average". As I said, good with LB, but I am not sure it is a "has to be"
  9. He is projected to be available at 59 almost certainly, and maybe even at 91. I suspect this part of his reputation from NFL.com combine writeup is the main issue. Weaknesses Can be nonchalant through drive phase of intermediate routes. Lacks commitment to detail as a route runner. PFF Version: CONS He lacks the long speed to be a consistent threat downfield. Lets opposing corners get their hands all over him at the line of scrimmage. No stranger to half-hearted routes when the defensive look says the ball isn't coming his way.
  10. Prefer McDermott to have a bit more self-introspection and not try to deflect the teams failings with this type of trivial thing. If McDermott truly believes it MUST change, he should look to trade Allen to a coach who will appreciate his talents. There is ZERO reason for McDermott to be airing this laundry in public. Allen is a team player, and won't likely air his complaints publically. But Allen has a boatload more to complain about in lack of protection resources, and his HC f'ing up playoff games than McDermotts efforts to start "wontslidegate"
  11. Well, Flowers is currently winning the Flowers/Hyatt poll. So you may want to consider that. After a couple of days, I will modify the second question to reflect the winner, if there is a clear choice. I prefer Hyatt over flowers, but people have convinced me that Wright is a more important piece of the puzzle than WR or LB.
  12. Update: Further Fine Tuning: Down to two choices (will not necessarily be final) but looking to get a Majority Leader. New Choice is Darnell Wright or Jack Cambell. ( There are 16 players ranked clearly higher, that should be selection as BPA available. Jack Campbell is the fan's favorite to fill the biggest perceived hole on Defense, LB and Darnell Wright seems to be the favorite to "better protect Josh Allen. results of previou Campbell/Wright/Flowers Poll. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/246617-your-choice-as-of-today-for-pick-27-limited-to-players-who-are-likely-available-to-select/ Current polling shows Jack Campbell, with a large lead, but nowhere near majority support (24% currently). Darnell Wright is in second place. Two wide receivers Jaylin Hyatt and Zay Flowers combine are about equal, and if combined would slide into second place. This post is asking two questions. 1) If the only two choices were Zay Flowers and Jaylyn Hyatt who would you select? 2) if the choices came down to Jack Campbell, Darnell Wright and the winner of the Flowers/Hyatt poll which of those three would you select. It is not possible we will get a majority selection from the large list of choices. Using this poll to narrow the consensus.
  13. Have you seen any film showing a problem with lateral movement. I feel like this is a myth. This is also why the probably signed Rapp today. MIght as well have safeties playing, if their job is coverage.
  14. Bold added by me. I think you have nailed what has been confusing people. People confuse under control with slow. This is an instance where measurables matter.
  15. Board Updated to Reflect Joey Porter being considered a BPA the Bills should take ahead of the expected LB/OT/WR options prioritized for pick 27.
  16. That is the type of feedback I am looking for. I will change his status to BPA
  17. This one trade draft gets us the fans choice at LB, a solid tackle, a top 6 NFL. com graded WR, a stud RB, and two solid safeties.
  18. The four key players on the defense have injury issues of varying degrees. If Miller, Hyde an Poyer are all healthy at the end of the regular season, and White is healthy and playing at his pre-injury level, the defense should be fine. Expect all four of those positions to be filled with stars. Milano is a star. The other six players are JAGs of varying degrees. If the five star positions are still filled with the stars playing at expected levels at the end of the regular season, we should be a force in the playoffs. If one of those positions flips from "star" to "hole", we will probably be struggling.
  19. Ultimately, I like football players who are good at football. This strikes me in some ways as more important that measurables. Having said that, there is a subject, I have not seen discussed otherwise on TBD, the importantance (or lack there of) of matching the NFL prototype. Bill Parcells and the Patriots post Parcells were practically slaves to chosing players who fit the prototype for weight, height and speed. They were were more interested in hitting the prototype, than exceeding it. The didn't want guards who were 6 8, or Tight Ends who were 6'1, regardless of skill levels. I think this is worth an entire thread, but not going to start that now. As it relates to the Tight Ends, Musgrave hits on all three prototypes, Height, Weight and Speed. Kindcaid and Mayer both are below the prototype on speed, and below the prototype on weight. Curious if this changes anyones mind about Musgrave vs Kincaid and Mayer.
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