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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. It is not so much about getting things done at this point. Based on Nicole Shanahan's comments (she is his VP running mate), RFK jr is willing to join with Trump to form an anti-communist coalition to save America from Harris/Weasle.
  2. And coaching. Harbaugh may make a huge difference
  3. Maybe a second next year for Diggs? Houston has a bunch of good WRs.
  4. Is DE bad luck or are we just not good at picking defensive ends?
  5. I am not sure how you use the word culture. But every season is a coaches ability overall. And the coaches are evaluated mostly against expectations. For example, no one is going to call for Jim Harboughs head if the Chargers don't win the Super Bowl. In my opinion Beane and McDermott are highly skilled in setting expectations with the broader fan base that are fairly easy to achieve. This season if the Bills make the playoffs and lose early, the season will be viewed as a big success by most fans. It seems crazy to me. But Jets fans/Jets media who follow a team with a 40 year old QB and a head coach who has never won a playoff game are looking forward to a Super Bowl run. Dolphins Fans/media who follow a team with a fragile QB who has never won a playoff game and a head coach without demonstrated success similarly are looking foward to Super Bowl run. Meanwhile Bills Fans/Media who follow a team with one of the two best QBs in the NFL and a Head Coach entering his 8th season seem to have been condtioned that success means anything better than a 9-8 record.
  6. I am sure once the season starts, you will become very interested again.
  7. Just jealous of Mahomes getting all of those pre-prime super bowl wins with Reid.
  8. Kudos. “Early stage of prime” Is so much better than “after failing to capitalize on the last five years starting with the 13 seconds debacle”. You should look into a career as a spin doctor.
  9. Points matter most. If you look at rushing yards as important than you have to look at passing yards as important. Dorsey had quite a few more passing yards
  10. Bills management has acheived all of their off season goals. You have nothing to worry about.
  11. Has anyone compiled the offensive statistics with Dorsey last year compared to Brady? I would find that interesting.
  12. This thread is a pretty good indication “operation lower the bar” has succeeded.
  13. Bills will win the division quite easily
  14. So you have no actual data to support "QB moves change the line more than anything". Your opinion may be right. But its only an opinion. The polling results so far, align exactly with this opinion. You can take comfort that you are not alone. Schedules and luck also play a role.
  15. Is it standard trainer behavior to ask the player with the potential bicep tear "do some pushups to test it out"
  16. TBD is at its best with these therapeutic threads. I hope someone bumps a Edmunds mega thread soon to help lift our spirits.
  17. Its unrealistic to think someone who hasn't played for most of two seasons, is going to return an perform at a meaningful level. I am not sure I am even aware of any similar success stories.
  18. Last year the problem was he ran too much. Recently I have learned he does not throw enought 3 yard TD passes. To clarify. The ONLY reason the Bills are relevant in the NFL is Josh Allen. He is asked to do more than any player in the league, probably in league history. In full context, he literally should not be criticized ever. Last season there were hundreds of posts throughout the season about the Jets week 1 game. And in that game he helped the team to get to a tie in overtime and Special Teams lost the game. People seem to think that any game that Allen does not win single handedly means he failed.
  19. Bills: Bills win division easliy - not too bold Josh Allen is NFL MVP - not too bold Josh Allen actually is given the NFL MVP award - bold Bills Disappoint in the Playoffs. TBD blames Allen - not bold at all Rest of the NFL: Dallas benches Dak Prescott mid season - a bit bold Rams win NFC Championship - bold Aaron Rodgers loses to father time - not too bold New motion rule stalls Dolphins defense. They struggle to reach .500. - a bit bold
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