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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. The NFL may want to consider have a Practice Squad playoffs / tournament after the season, so we can once and for all figure out who has the best practice squad.
  2. When does this happen? In hindsight?
  3. people also B word “too soon to judge”. How and when would you suggest evaluating the GMs judgment on a pick?
  4. Most people don't understand how Bonds work. Its not really the same thing as buying a CD or making/paying a loan.
  5. SpaceX to rescue astronauts stuck in space.
  6. Burrow got to this ranking by not playing.
  7. @GunnerBill Nice analysis. I appreciate people compling statisitical information that is not ordinarily summarized. In a different thready you posted this reply to the question. What has to happen for this team to become a Super Bowl contender (again)? My follow up questions are 1) is there a tradeoff in for depth vs getting more differences makers? Or are they independent variables. 2) if you were weighting importance on a percentage scale, where do you rate the importance of "difference makers" over "Depth"
  8. It’s situational. On any normal occasion he could easily beat up an old man like me. But on several occasions such as the 13 seconds game , the rage with in me could possibly have fueled a victory.
  9. I think McDermott mentioned MVS will be available week 1, is a pretty strong signal he will be on the roster.
  10. One thing we can know for sure, Harris won't be giving an interview to discuss her reaction to this development.
  11. In real life, Kennedy support has dropped nationally from around 10% to 6% since the coup that installed Harris as the nominee. The far left loons who supported Kennedy have likely already move to the Kamala price control platform / no tax on tips platform. The remaining were moderate dems, and never Trumpers. The never trumpers probably won't vote at all, but the moderate democrats (based on social media comments) are already moving to endorse Trumps. More importantly many of the volunteers who helped Kennedy garner a million signatures are stating on social media their intentions to work for Trump, to help have Kennedy join the administration to help Make America Healthy Again.
  12. Most dems receive a check from the government directly or have an immediate family member who does. This includes jobs and contracts.
  13. Everyone who owns a Bills Jersey should think carefully when they answer this question.
  14. Its crazy. Bills should win the AFC east Breezily.
  15. It takes the gaslighters convention completely out of the news cycle. This Friday is different.
  16. Single example from 42 years ago, should drive freeze the Bills in place in 2024, to avoid the same mistake?
  17. Define better career. Neither is likely to be an RB1 with expectations of being a primary reason a team even makes the playoffs. Davis is in a much better position to make contributions to a winning team because the Bills are much better than the dolphins.
  18. the use of the phrase Match Day in the quote you responded to is comical irony
  19. You jest, but the Dolphin fans and media and Jets fan and media generally have higher expectations for their teams than Bills fans and media generally do. There is no rational reason for this. Bills fans should expect the Bills to dominate the AFC East with relative ease.
  20. 938 yards is not really elevated to WR1 production. If your argument is the Chiefs won in spite of relying on Kelce as their primary offensive, rather WRs that makes sense. But Rice was not elevated to anything special. Edelman was a great slot reciever. Belichek-Brady-Edelman was certainly greater than Edelman on his own. But I don't think Edelman was every considered a WR1 replacement.
  21. Past examples will help explain your point. What are the past examples. List the QB and the WRs they elevated.
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