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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. If only Allen took the underneath stuff, the defense wouldn't have ***** the bed on the first two bengal drives. Or something like that I guess.
  2. my previous comment was just a wierd way of saying the Jets did not impress me.
  3. The Bills punted and turnver the ball over combined in 2022 less than anyone. Allen runs the most effective non-redzone offense in the league by a considerable margin. Thier is zero room for productivity outside the redzone. Already the best, and this theoretical underneath stuff you are talking about, doesn't exist in the red zone. please provide a video of Allen passing up an open underneath reciever in the redzone in 2022. There simply weren't open recievers there. Nothing for Allen to ignore. Rambling on with cliches like "balanced offense" or "take what the give you" is just blather. Sorry to be be so straight foward. But Allen is the best. And it is so stupid to try to change the things that work.
  4. So at this point it is clear the Jets have done a better job of hiding whatever we are supposed to be afraid of than the Bills have.
  5. The might be a better combo than wilson to wilson was.
  6. We will know if we are better than last year no sooner than January 21, 2024. Hopefully we are.
  7. And what anour the 15 million dollar salary demand?
  8. Missed this earlier. Guess we brought in a leadership consultant today. To help find the spark https://x.com/danfetes/status/1694772540776878347?s=46&t=DBC_sBZMnfe6wzRtQpq0gQ
  9. People like to dispute facts that don't make them happy. Since Madden/Stabler won the Super Bowl champs have had one of four conditions: 1) Coaching change within the most recent 4 years, 2) QB change within the most recent 4 years 3) Coach has won the superbowl before 4) QB has won the superbowl before The 2023 Bills do not meet any of the four conditions. People will argue its only 50 data points and you can't draw a statistical conclusion. But the entire NFL betting industry is fueled by people analyzing similar or smaller data sets. What the Bills are trying to do is to be "the first". I am old. I want the 2023 Bills to be the team that is the first one to break the streak. But I am not holding my breath. 31 other fan bases want their teams to win too.
  10. How big of a strategic blunder are the Steelers making by playing well during the preseason?
  11. The only thing this collection of Bills is missing are afc championships and Super Bowl championships.
  12. Maybe they are moves like Shoens (and Beanes moves used to be moves by Shoen)
  13. And Peters spoke back. He did not do anything unethical at all.
  14. Actually a non-guaranteed contract is kind of one sided. Peters just made himself a side.
  15. Shanny/Lynch in a landslide. All of the other statistics and analysis are meaningless if they don't explain the difference in the playoff records. This is pretty accurate. There is a part missing though. Allen is so good, he has covered up pretty much every other deficiency in the team that one player possible could. I don't think there is another player in team history, you could even discuss this about. Maybe Simpson.
  16. Why do you hate the Cardinals' Fans so much. Imagine having to have Murray and Lance on your team. Ugh.
  17. Clears 10mm of cap space for the Jets
  18. In other words double digit ints does have a damn thing to do with not going to the super bowl.
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