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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. In real life Josh led the offense to tie the game and send it to overtime. He gave the team a chance to win. Then special teams proceeded to lose the game.
  2. i was responding to your acceptance of lousy production as “fine”.
  3. real question. Is this a Zack Wilson audible. Or is this a play call the jets had because this out of alignment was something they had seen from the Bills before?
  4. Zero yards after contact. 3.8 yard average. These are fail stats.
  5. Why don’t we break 83 yard runs against other teams? Do they get out of alignment too?
  6. I started to post "seemed like YAC was zero" and figured I should look it up, assuming it could not possibly have been zero. But there you go.
  7. Allen executed the draw perfectly. That was the inane play call at second and 15. Hope that clears things up for you.
  8. Cook's yards after contact were zero yesterday. Total yards per carry 3.8. If this doesn't change quicky, we need to stop feeding him. No running attack can rely on a line generating wide open holes.
  9. Josh Allen did not win the game. But he and the offense gave the team a chance to win in overtime. Then Dorsey's bad play calling and McDermott's beloved special teams lost the game.
  10. At one point Allen was 17/21. People wetting their pants like he was terrible the whole game is stupid.
  11. Fair to point out there is an action. I guess it would be a matter for a jury to decide if Pegulas words are connected to trotters firing.
  12. At one point in history it was accepted that every human hold prejudices of some sort. And we were taught you can't act on your prejudices, you have to overcome that. Anti-discrimination laws are based on actions, not thoughts. To be Mr. Pegula's comments (if he made them) are relevent to support an allegation he took some discrimantory action. But if there is no discriminatory action he too, I am not sure we need to be invoking the thought police to govern his thinking and speech. (even if it is a stupid thing to say)
  13. You may want to jump into the over reaction thread.
  14. I emphasided the word "helped" in the OP, because it definitely was not the prime reason. Thank you for having the reading comprehension skills to understand the difference. Many posters do not have strong reading comprehension skills. I agree for 96% of the plays, the officiating was good. But as any Saints fan can tell you, it only takes one bad mistake to alter the game. I think the PI call did likely alter the game.
  15. Three key plays last night helped determine the outcome. The PI Call on Diggs - almost no PI calls during the game, and in the final drive in regulation where a TD would have won the games for the Bills, Diggs is called for OPI, when both players seemed to be pretty handsy on the play. Spencer Brown false start in Overtime. It was a false start. But certain teams don't have this called a false start in prime time games. I will chalk that up to different crews. But this set up the brilliant 2nd and 15 draw call. Missed leg whip on the punt return. Jets likely would have gotten into field goal position, but it would have been nice to see them pushed back for the leg whip, and have it play out. The Bills did enough to lose the game on their own. But these did not help. Probably brain fog. But I also don't remember many penalties at critical junctures that helped the Bills.
  16. shall we run the trent edwards offense, or the Josh Allen offense in OT?
  17. maybe that was the coaching decision to take a few more seconds off the clokc. but i would have kicked the FG
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