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Everything posted by OZBILLS

  1. I was worried, but then I remember that all the bad plays are Daboll's fault and then I felt better!
  2. Just require vaccination at the gates...that should stop the congregation
  3. As a Brooklyn Nets fan, Kustok is always awesome. Wish we'd get Ian Eagle and Sarah
  4. Allen needs some cheap short passes just to get in rhythm. Just get some RECs open
  5. That is great. Really would like to see the uptake numbers if they eventually get released. Will be interesting to see how many do it here. To be fair, they are the talent and ultimately the only reason we all do this stuff.
  6. Yep. My sister was going the anti-vax route then realized life will be miserable when the lockouts eventually come. Now it's done and the silly FB posts have stopped
  7. Sounds very much like in Australia, but we were told to have two of the same type. If we got AZ, couldn't get a second Pfizer. I really hope the AZ travel situation is sorted soon, because I don't want to be turned away.
  8. Lockouts like this are the only thing that is going to drive vaccination up. They do need a pop up vaccination site close
  9. Try having to bring your PASSPORT with you to games in the US because they won't accept you're under 21 to get a beer when you're 40! Get drunk, lose your passport and you're gonna have a bad time
  10. Good news. Glad they're putting the safety of the unvaccinated as number 1 priority.
  11. Weird? Incognito tried beheading his dead father's corpse. That was nothing
  12. Me watching Zay catch something other than a cold...
  13. Me watching Sammy make catches and Lamar make throws...
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