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Everything posted by OZBILLS

  1. I don't get to see many Romo games, but ESPN would allow me to see him much more. That said, stay Tony.
  2. KC kissed in the ***** with the refs
  3. Allen has been burnt by receivers doing that exact same thing Andrews did and cops it hard. I never blame Allen for those...you gotta catch them
  4. Probably need Titans to get 7 here. That would at least make it interesting for a half
  5. Yeah, that's just adding to the narrative. Lamar going to get angry now.
  6. HAHAHAH Jinxed the poor guy. Andrews gotta catch that. What a letoff
  7. Hitting tight ends makes me cry Edit: This game is over already. Going to be brutal
  8. Don't fumble on that dive forward. Not used to seeing that
  9. It feels like every time it's time to pay someone....everyone is like "oh, it's only one good year...let them go". Pay. This. Man :0
  10. He will no doubt leave and head to Kansas. Has the Raglands about him. I want him here.
  11. Everyone has "one decent year" here it seems. Nobody wants to pay anyone. Revolving door of development
  12. Pay that man. You can't let every player leave once it's time to get paid.
  13. Good move for Eric. Gets to work under Leslie and build his DC repertoire, and make our line a killer. Works for all parties. Who cares what Panthers fans think.
  14. Leaning to no. Next season is going to be huge for him. Hope he proves me wrong
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