I agree.
I still think it's pretty messed up what happened to Josh in the Green Bay game, and nobody officially said anything about it. That said, these things do happen on a spectrum, although even a minor concussion is not something to mess around with.
If what happened to Tua had happened to Josh, especially the hit that sent Tua into a near seizure on the turf, I genuinely would not have felt great about him coming back at any point this year. Sure, it's easy to say that from a spectator standpoint discussing a hypothetical, but it's a hypothetical until it isn't. That's the kind of hit that takes years off of a man's life, and although I want a Super Bowl as badly as a Bills fan can want a Super Bowl, I'm still able to take a step back and say that it is not worth a person's life.
We've been lucky thus far and I hope it stays that way. Every game is a gamble for these guys, and they know the stakes better than anyone, but still. It can't be easy to walk away when you have the pressure of an organization and millions of fans demanding your performance. It's sad to say, but it's almost in Tua's best interest for one more bad hit to happen that really, finally puts things into perspective and he reconsiders what he's doing.