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Everything posted by Dick_Cheney

  1. Campbell should’ve called out the lineup issue when they harassed him at the halftime interview.
  2. Shocked that the tv refs called out the improper lining up. Absolutley insane it’s been allowed to continue.
  3. That's true, but also I wouldn't blame him if he just wanted to pare things down a bit on account of everything with Kim. Not easy running two organizations and also dealing with her situation on top of it all.
  4. Honestly probably one of the worst posts I've ever seen on this website.
  5. Big Dawg = Josh? Trouble in paradise??? Finkle is Einhorn?????
  6. It means 'letting people tell lies.' He's saying that people are telling lies and/or talking *****. And if that helps them to sleep better, to keep it up.
  7. I feel like if the season were to start today, this would be a non-issue. Really weird all around though.
  8. Something about this made me oddly emotional. Also probably the best covers the game has ever had. I'll pick up one as a collector's piece.
  9. Beane will absolutely find a way to make this happen.
  10. This is essentially what I thought at the time as well. Really would have been something amazing.
  11. I hope so. I'm in my 30s now, and I grew up in a warm weather area. If ice hockey had been available for me to play as a kid, I would have been all over it. Not exactly an apples to apple comparison, but it's been great to see hockey in the states growing. As for this thread, I'm not so sure. I dunno what "drafts like the last one" is referring to either. It makes sense to find a rare talent overseas every now and again, if not for any reason other than it's easier than ever to scout kids. There's nothing that even begins to come close to what the NCAA provides. The overhead for starting organized American football in developing nations is colossal. That's why soccer and basketball reign supreme. I don't think that's going to change within our lifetimes. On a similar note, even with the 'decline' of youth football in America, the pipeline is still absolutely loaded. We're talking millions of kids still playing and who will continue to play until the sun explodes. I recognize that the game is deeply problematic in a lot of ways, but I honestly don't think enough people care for it to make any significant impact on the quality of the game at the professional level. At least not for 50 years or so.
  12. They usually have free trials, and I'm pretty sure last year they had a Black Friday or a Holiday deal for 99 cents a month. Which was great because that's about all it's worth. Anyways, it's dumb that you need access to 7 different streaming services to watch all the games you wanna see. But hey. What can you do.
  13. He literally never drops the ball and that’s something this team needs desperately.
  14. Not having a dome will prevent this team from winning a Super Bowl and eventually Allen will move on.
  15. OBJ and Rodgers together has the potential to destroy the Jets internally at the first sign of struggle/frustration. But it also has the potential to make them really freaking good, so, it's a double edged sword.
  16. Things are getting too spicy for the pepper!
  17. Should be in prison.
  18. One of the most insufferable players in the league. Saints are paying way too much for this guy.
  19. Just think, if defense has a lights out year, we don't have to deal with Frazier ever again. Really really hoping somebody aggressive takes this over for the coming season.
  20. Lol sure. Go back and include the teams that play in near perfect weather year round, dome or not. Just bizarre that so many on here are in denial that it would help us. You can admit that while at the same time acknowledging that Pegula isn't going to make it happen.
  21. You're kidding yourself if top tier players don't consider the playing conditions here in Buffalo. Particularly offensive players, and particularly in a league where stats are treated as gospel. You think a killer WR or RB isn't not exactly stoked on having frozen hands and a ***** field for 25-30% of their season? It's embarrassing that these things have to be complained about on an internet message board. Folks can say what they want, debate the merits of how Buffalo football should look, and apparently this whole thing is set in stone and we're all pissing in the wind here, but at the end of the day, Terry is doing the bare minimum to keep the team here for the time being. That's his focus. What bothers me is that his focus is not doing everything possible to help the team succeed and achieve greatness. Football is a game of control. This open air situation gives up a lot of that, and it's doing so when there are multiple instances of weather and wind screwing this team in ways that other teams simply do not get screwed. It is conceding to a detrimental factor when absolutely everything to do otherwise should be being done. And to me that's weak. And it's concerning. It gives me a bit of an ominous feeling toward the future of the team, and for the city of Buffalo altogether. I can only pray we get lucky even just once and are able to overcome these issues and get a Lombardi. If somehow we still don't, don't be surprised if there are moments in that season where playing conditions determined the outcome of a game that would have put us in a better position to do so. I love outdoor ball just as much as the old timers here, but I love to see the Bills win even more.
  22. Pretty much sums it up. This could and should have been done much differently. But hey, who knows! Maybe this State of the Art totally incredible and entirely adequate stadium will cause an Orchard Park boom! Besides, haven't you heard? Football was made to be played outside, even if the outside conditions completely cripple your team's strengths and devastate the surrounding communities.
  23. Comments like this are hilarious. Folks simply incapable of utilizing critical thinking to recognize that the weather/wind situation in Buffalo is dramatically different from almost everywhere else in the ENTIRE league, let alone Cinci. Just hilarious.
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