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Everything posted by GregPersons

  1. I'm not an expert on the CHAZ situation, but I can answer some of your "lefties are hypocrites" accusations below in bold. 1) The first thing CHAZ did was set up a barricade around its perimeter. It's almost like the founders of CHAZ want to define its borders and place physical barriers to entry by 'undesirables'. I thought borders, walls and barriers to entry were a bad thing. According to lefties a few months ago physical barriers to state perimeters were dumb and forbidden. This is an imaginary strawman argument. Left supports "open borders", not "no barriers." There's a difference. The CHAZ is an example of an open border. 2) CHAZ has guards armed with AR-15s. Is the left pro 2nd amendment now? I thought semi-automtic and automatic weapons were the provision of weirdos and 'racists' on the right. I thought armed border guards were a no-no according to the left. I thought armed police were a no-no. The left has always been more pro-2nd amendment than the right. The left supports "regulated" arms. The right wants unfettered access. This is an example of "well regulated militia." Did you know it was the NRA that originally wanted gun control? This was in the 1960s after Black Panthers were photographed "storming" a capitol building with assault weapons. (Nobody was injured; it was performative, and enough to scare the sh!t out of White Americans) 3) CHAZ does identification checks at their 'border'. I thought requiring IDs was 'racist'. Don't I recall the left fighting against needing ID to vote/ enter the country/ applying for benefits? The thought among the left was that minorities are disadvantaged to voting due to ID requirements. They would know since Democrats installed Jim Crow laws in the South to prevent minorities from voting from @1865 to @1950 Voting requirements are specifically there to disadvantage minorities. How you can bring this up in one line and Jim Crow in the next and not understand that is incredible. Voting ought to be automatic enroll based on SSN, and ID shouldn't be necessary other than as one form of possible identity verification when casting a ballot. Prior to the 1960s, the Democrat Party were the party of conservatism, and right-wing thinking. "Dixiecrats" became the "Republicans" after the Civil Rights Act. This is why it's always hysterical when modern Republicans try to claim Lincoln as one of their own. It's not the same party at all, ideologically. Learn your country's history before speaking on it.
  2. So far the highest score on our quiz is 1 of 7
  3. The only presidential debates I want are to see both candidates take the SATs. Same time. On stage. On camera. I don't have a lot of hope for Biden but I think any formal testing would show Trump to be clinically braindead.
  4. All Cops are now being identified as "suspicious." They're being told to "stop resisting" so the public can assess their criminality. Seems like they don't like being treated like that. Ah, irony.
  5. Hey B-Man Thought you might enjoy seeing a post you can read without squinting You have 36, 578+ "LAMP" posts They are all garbage Please clean up your trash
  6. Idk how I'd be getting off on it, since nobody has done it. Like "good guy with gun" I'm just trying to see if "racist who isn't a coward" exists in reality or if it's just another fiction. Guess we have our answer. You're also playing my game either way
  7. Thanks for identifying better players. I'll be first to admit I don't know the intracies of Guard position but it seems like one of those positions that never gets real respect. If Ruben gets consideration for WOF or HOF, he has my support as a Bills fan
  8. I saw this happening two years ago at games, even as people were complaining about Kaep and kneeling. They didn't like anyone disrespecting the flag, while they stood in line to spend 15 bucks on a Bud Light during the anthem. Americans aren't well-versed in the art of self-reflection. Weird that fans always sneer at the athletes being "multi millionaires" as an example of undeserved wealth, but never the owners being billionaires. They "worked hard." Ironic since sports is actually the only thing somewhat close to a meritocracy!
  9. So, send us a video & take my money, tough guy
  10. Lots of people confused about "socialism" and "communism" who also wouldn't pay money to post here. Just curious if anyone on PPP lives up to their stated ideals in any capacity. Capitalists & Libertarians — if you were running TSW, what would you charge for a membership fee? Do you think SDS should charge money? What would you pay for a TSW account?
  11. What do I have coming to me, boy?
  12. How many times have you posted that, 3rd?
  13. For someone who must be pushing 40 at the youngest if you're in a 17 year relationship, you're too easily rattled, boy
  14. Congrats. I'm guessing there is a reason I haven't seen your screen name shouting any conspiracy theories and denying other people's realities. Not that racist/ignorant people can't be in a relationship — but it's a little harder to maintain that degree of lack of empathy. Some folks here type like they've never met another human in their life Indeed. That's why we're thinking of procreating. There's no shortage of simpletons in the world. Why, you only need look around your friends & family, my boy.
  15. She does I have the money I can afford it She hates racists too She thinks it's funny We all kinda think you're funny As seen in Koko's biggest contribution Attaboy, Koko Do you believe in God? Matthew 9:5-6?
  16. In 10 year relationship with a woman; 4 years married. No children, but in the future that's the plan. You?
  17. In 10 year relationship with a woman; 4 years married. @Jaraxxus, @Koko78, @Deranged Rhino, @Chef Jim, @TakeYouToTasker -- you guys seem super lonely to me. What's your longest romantic relationship?
  18. Fair enough. Have you ever made another man or a trans person come, if not a woman? My feeling is you've never had the ability to make another person feel good in your entire life. Am I wrong? What's your longest relationship and how old are you? I'm married if you're wondering. I'm not looking to pick you up. Sorry.
  19. Who? I've never seen a forum full of men more in need of getting laid, and less capable of making that happen for themselves. Who here is not alone in their life?
  20. Hey @Jaraxxus have you ever made a woman *****? Tasker, Rhino, Chef Jim and you are all giving me big time "incel" vibe. Not saying you're definitely a "virgin." Just that any time you've ever had a loving relationship, you're the only one who got anything from it. I'm just judging this by your overall selfish, clumsy, clod nature. True / false? What's your longest relationship? I want to talk to the women in y'all's lives if they exist Sure thing You first
  21. Guess not! Same offer extends to you, though. I'll pay you if you send me a video of yourself in Bills gear telling me your feelings on race.
  22. Happily. However I would like my request to be filled first by at least one person. That only seems fair, I asked first. All I'm asking is for people who want the protestors to shut up and go away to show a little bit of the same bravery they're showing Doesn't seem so hard. I'm black? Don't remember saying that, or any race. You should put your official guess in the "Guess Greg's identity thread." I know you couldn't give a damn. You're a chubby little racist boy aren't ya? I'm just guessing chubby. The others I know. Am I right about chubby? What's your BMI?
  23. Offer still stands for any Bills fans who want to tell us that "racism isn't real" or "racism is exaggerated" — put yourself on video wearing some Bills gear — and I will pay you money for it. Lots of you are willing to say those things all over PPP... just wanna see your faces
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