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Everything posted by GregPersons

  1. Are you fine with white people killing each other? When does violence matter to you? Does it matter if it affects someone you know? Or only you, personally? Is violence an issue if your mom is raped? What if she's raped by a white man? What are you doing about white on white rape? Should you be able to say the N word since black people do it? I'm sure you feel like you do. So why not go ahead and do so on camera, and help us promote your business. Guarantee that'll make people interested. You'll probably get new customers who like you a lot, even. Well that is maybe not surprising that you'd harass me in the stupidest way possible. Show me any post where I say I support that. Do you have a lot of imaginary friends? You seem pretty good at making up imaginary people.
  2. Have you checked the news? You seem very confused about why people are upset. You seem confused about the calls of "racism." Did you think this was a personal accusation that you time traveled to 1921 and did this? Are you able to conceive of the idea that other people exist besides people you've met in person?
  3. Check it out — Reality Check is following my every post with the same exact message, copy/pasted. I'm simply responding to him in kind.
  4. Moron. I see it. Did you go to that link and verify the numbers yourself, is what I am asking. Or did you just assume because it looks official it must be right? In other words, you're taking the meme's word for it? There's a graph and the URL looks like it is right. Is it? Do you know?
  5. Curious, where did you find the graphic? Did you check the source yourself? Or did you just rely on this meme to make the point for you? Did you read the article, or just go to your favorite Facebook group?
  6. Are you okay with violence as long as a white person is not the victim? Are you okay with violence as long as someone you know isn't the victim? To what degree are you okay with violence? Would you mind saying so on camera and also promote your business?
  7. What is your solution to white on white violence? What is your solution to police violence? Do you support white people using the N-word "since black people do it"? Since you're not afraid of violence, why not make a point of putting your money where your mouth is? Use that word in a video to help promote your business. It'd get people to see it.
  8. You just tried repeating this as fact. It literally states in his bio that he's a MAGA troll. You fell for it.... because.... you are too stupid.... to know.... that you are stupid. If you weren't stupid.... you wouldn't try so hard... to insist on various fictions.... but.... that is what you are doing.... to maintain your delusion.... that you aren't stupid. Tried to speak slowly. This is the account that popularized it, a MAGA influencer. The video comes from FromKalen, who is recipient of mysterious conservative funding (just like Daily Wire and all these other right-wing mouthpiece jokers -- literally a mind control conspiracy that only dumb people fall for, but, I've also seen dumb people for Scientology; dumb people gonna be dumb and believe the ***** they wanna believe) for Scriberr, which declares itself non-partisan but only perpetuates right-wing talking points. OK? So when you go "HA! Media manipulation? You think I'd ever fall for that?" You... just.... DID.
  9. The $10 bit was a fiction from a right-wing troll account that spread among dumbasses looking for things to confirm their own beliefs. Well done. You're much too clever to fall for manipulation........................................................
  10. Your first line answers your last question What a series of stupid questions. Are you saying white on white violence is OK? What is your solution to white on white violence? Abortion is best when you're involved. Any future sexual assault victims of yours would be well advised.
  11. What a stupid question. Are you saying that white on white violence is OK as long as there are no black people involved? What is your solution to white on black violence? What is your solution to white on white violence?
  12. "Black on black violence" is a KKK fiction repeated through generations. Are you in the KKK? What is your solution to white on black violence? Is it OK as long as a white person does it? What is your solution to white on white violence? Is it OK as long as no black people are involved?
  13. That's not the point, at all. Do you have assisted living help? What is your solution to white on black violence?
  14. Cute story. Some logic gaps and questionable decisions with the prose. But I'd say you have a real shot at the title for best short story from a fifth grader in the region. Did you become so engrossed in writing this story that you began to feel it was real?
  15. You'd know if you read the post you quoted. Also, here you go, Also, what is your solution to white on black violence? Also, what is your definition of harassment?
  16. Here you go. What is your solution to white on black violence?
  17. Here you go. What is your solution to white on black violence?
  18. Here you go. What is your solution to white on black violence?
  19. Read the thread for answers. I made it just for you. Since you have said you're white, and only interested in things that concern you, a white man. What is your solution to white on black violence? What is your solution to white on white violence? Do you need examples for either of these?
  20. I made a whole thread just for you on why every time you say that, David Duke gets a *****. Check it out. What is your solution to white on white violence? Do you need examples of white on white violence?
  21. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? What do we agree on? You didn't read any of that, did you?
  22. This has come up repeatedly on this board. @Reality Check in particular has been fascinated by the subject but I've seen it from more than a dozen of you in, what, a week? I won't copy and paste this full article, but this is a comprehensive explanation for understanding that "Black on Black crime" is a white supremacist talking point. When you bring up "Black on Black crime", you think you're bringing up a good point maybe, but what you are saying is "I am a mouthpiece for the KKK." https://www.splcenter.org/20180614/biggest-lie-white-supremacist-propaganda-playbook-unraveling-truth-about-‘black-white-crime 71 sources cited. Maybe ask yourself, why is "White on White crime" not a phrase? Ted Bundy, Charles Manson -- almost every serial killer, really -- why isn't that "White on White crime"? School shooters, even if it's an all-white school like Columbine, also not "White on White crime." It's instead... "mental health." That's because America is used to treating White people as fully human and we culturally celebrate our White criminals as outlaws and rebel heroes... some even fly flags of White criminals today and claim it as heritage! . White people are allowed to be complicated and multi-faceted in Western culture, but only White people. Every other race is a "type" of some kind. We don't see a White serial killer and think "well, that's just how all White people are, they all are thieves and murderers at heart." Although based on the history of White civilization, maybe that would be the right conclusion? White people really will be like "I don't see race. But these blacks are out of control!" What is "crime" if you want to really test your little noggin? Where does "crime" come from? What motivates it? What prevents it? Why don't upper middle class people tend to rob liquor stores?
  23. Not really supporting/denouncing your position but to clarify about the Fox News photoshop, it's just worth considering that the media is actively manipulating opinions about this. It's not subtle. As to your position, no leftist I know opposes "Borders, armed guards and ID" — however where you will find disagreement is on the usage of those tools. But when you state it like that, it does make it seem like the left is more unreasonable, so I get why you'd be less specific. The simple reality is that there just aren't that many "double standards" on the left. It's a pretty consistent standard! Peace, freedom, liberty and equality for all. The right likes to disagree with all of those standards but likes to claim the words as their own, because they do sound like good principles. And it's easy to say you're for "peace, freedom, liberty and equality for all" without actually living up to it, which, there's no examples of Republicans living up to those principles. You don't see a lot of Republicans crusading for peace or freedom or anything that is "for all."
  24. Speaking of photoshop, did this manipulative little FOX News scheme also draw your ire?
  25. Most White Americans don't know anything about this event in 1921, or found out about it from an HBO show last year. Learning more about your country's history will help you to better understand the events of today. @Chef Jim this may be of interest to you in particular. Please note the "News Blackout" portion especially. https://www.history.com/topics/roaring-twenties/tulsa-race-massacre The news article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre#/media/File:Nab_Negro_for_Attacking_Girl_in_an_Elevator.png
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