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Everything posted by GregPersons

  1. Good karma is happening in Buffalo... note the kid's hat
  2. That's better actually and more identifiably Scorsese, too. Good call.
  3. Emphasize the Mafia. Play "Layla" — like the last third of Goodfellas, it's all over now for our opponents.
  4. Buffalo fans are extremely, extremely sensitive about media representation and attach too much meaning to media personality comments. Collinsworth is probably on autopilot 95% of the time, and this is just another day of work, finding slightly different ways to say the same dozen or so things you can say during a football game. He's always going to be deferential, as most NFL media is, to the league's "true" powers -- which includes Jerry Jones and the Rooneys. That clip of him talking about 14 year old girls IS INSANE
  5. After the Steelers went for the punch/strip on every single rushing attempt, I'd expect to see more mindful carrying and two-handed-carrying in the future.
  6. I don't want to see Brady get hurt, but I do want to see him receive an urgent telegram at halftime. The test results came back. It's inoperable, and now it's just a matter of time. Too dark?
  7. I thought he'd for sure broken his clavicle. What a relief when they showed him on the sidelines seemingly okay. What a shock when he was back on the field in no time. Then that second INT... just a rollercoaster.
  8. The last time the Buffalo Bills had a double-digit winning season, I was in middle school. Feels good.
  9. PUNCH 'EM IN THE MOUTH I wanna see Brady's face telegraph his retirement plans on the sidelines.
  10. I agree generally. You could see they were absolutely playing "not to lose" tonight, but that it was more the right call than the wrong one. They were aggressive in getting the lead-- going for in on 4th in the 1st Q was right -- but we were definitely limiting Allen. I don't think it's frustrating that Gore lacks explosion -- when did he ever really have explosion? -- I think it's frustrating that Daboll's designs are running Gore outside. Why???? Singletary outside. Allen outside. McKenzie outside. Gore??? He's the between-the-tackles runner. He can give you 4 yards from nothing that way. Same with the other head scratchers that've been mentioned. I don't see how Dimarco or Lee Smith as potential targets on a passing play is ever a good idea but I dunno. Glad to see Kroft get his, what, 6th target of the year -- and the game winner.
  11. That makes some sense, but then begs the question — who are we sending over the middle? That seems like where we should be seeing the TEs, or Beasley on a slant? The one Beasley throw that went over the middle, that bounced out of his hands and into an INT -- first, it hit him in the hands so he has to catch that, but I also put some of it on Daboll -- that is a harder catch for Beasley to make than it would be for Knox/Duke who don't also have to jump 6 inches to get their hands on it. (Of course Knox has the hardest time with the balls that hit him between the numbers so who knows).
  12. They've been saving him all year for the game-winning TD catch here! Seriously tho I think the lack of play designs targeting the TE or utilizing big bodied targets (*cough* Duke) is one of the strangest Daboll choices.
  13. DiMarco split out wide, multiple times? Running off-tackle with Gore? I don't get the wisdom of it.
  14. Has tonight's roster been announced? Is Duke inactive again?
  15. Well that's fair enough. Kroft hasn't been targeted, and subbing in Duke or anyone else might not change that if they aren't calling plays to target the TE. Really all of these are coming from the same place — just pitching ideas to the ether and hoping for the coaches to find ways to use the talent already on the roster to fill the need of the big-bodied target, something that was felt notably at the Baltimore game but all season too. Knox isn't enough, not yet. They need another dude, and maybe they have him on the roster.
  16. I singled out Kroft because he's done absolutely nothing as our TE1, in 5 games played. Duke is a WR but physically he has the size to play as a pass-catching TE. I'm advocating for the creative genius Daboll to creatively look at his roster and see if we can upgrade the TE position from within. McKenzie's use as a gadget WR is different enough from Duke that I'd prefer to keep him active... he, too, has done very little, though not as little as Kroft! I think the offense could open up quite a bit with Duke & Knox as the receiving TEs. Lee Smith for blocking and taking penalties. 2 WR, 2 TE - Brown, Beasley, Duke, Knox 3 WR 1 TE - Brown, Beasley, Foster/McKenzie, Knox/Duke/Smith
  17. I agree, I think this was his best game! He's improving. He's right there on every play, but we haven't seen his ceiling, he's still got a lot of unrealized potential — he was still a little off in his positioning and pursuing — if he's a step this way or the other on a few plays, notably the last Baltimore TD, it's game changing. I feel like Edmunds is due for a big breakout Defensive Player of the Week type of game. Could be Sunday night.
  18. No disagreement from me, I'd take that as well, but at least McKenzie has made some impact this season... Kroft has been completely absent, and it's not like there's no sample size. He's played 5 games! He's playing like he's on IR for the amount of impact he's had on the offense.
  19. Knox can stay. Kroft needs to go. Don't wait until the offseason. This position is in bad shape and we need reliable TEs to be productive on offense. Let's see Duke Williams line up off tackle, and run a hook up the middle of the hash. Just... try it.
  20. To me this is a question of who would you rather have had active on Sunday? Based on what you've seen this year. Tyler Kroft (5 games) or Duke Williams (1 game)? Who would you rather running across the middle when you need a TD? Why would anyone say Kroft?
  21. How many plays were designed to throw at the sideline line of scrimmage? How many plays were designed to target the middle of the field? Seemed like more over-the-middle routes could've helped.
  22. 100% agree. I think this is the right take. Robert Woods isn't making that catch, either... Peters was all over him and got enough of Brown's body to disrupt. Borderline PI, agreed. Not sure why the coaches are resisting the obvious. Duke is a big body with hands... that is the biggest missing ingredient with the offense. Tell Tyler Kroft to rest his foot, and give Duke some opportunities at TE.
  23. A clutch, explosive playmaker at TE completely redefines this offense. I'm not saying that's definitely Duke Williams, but I am saying it doesn't look like it's gonna be Tyler Kroft or Lee Smith. Knox has potential -- he's great at catching the ball as long as it doesn't hit him in the numbers perfectly on target.
  24. I do think McDermott could've thought this through more. For example he could've called a time out and polled the crowd. The wifi at the stadium isn't great so getting everyone on TSW at the same time will be tricky. 70,000 little pencils and slips of paper isn't impossible, but a lot of notaries aren't even open on Sundays. Maybe we can just have people raise their hands. One hand per person. Don't count them twice. Get a correct tally the first time and you won't need to review on a recount. If the crowd says go for it, go for it. If the assembled Mafia and their cousins feel like maybe play it safer here and just take the PAT, then send out the field goal unit. This works on Air Bud rules — there's nothing specifically in the rulebook against it. And of course this is only the beginning. Outsourcing is the future of coaching... certainly it will be cost-effective. Saves on unnecessary coaches. Moneyball to the nth power. Any 50/50 call could be litigated... should be. Poll the audience for the challenge flag. Let majority rule for heads or tails, kick or receive. Download the app, vote on RPO plays for an R or a P in real-time. If it's in the game, it's in the app.
  25. Ideal outcome: WEEK 15 Bills steamroll Pittsburgh. Pats squeak past Cincy. WEEK 16 Bills suffocate the Patriots with intense pressure on defense, and long drives on offense. Bills defense feasts on Brady. You can see on his face that he's thinking retirement. He looks like a 43 year old man out there. WEEK 17 Bills beat Jets. Patriots need to beat the Dolphins to avoid losing the division, but they get frustrated early and Fitz plays lights out... Miami steals the game as a spoiler. Bills / Dolphins rivalry is officially pronounced dead.... it's been dead that way since 2000 or so but such an outcome would almost create a type of gratitude-based friendship like we have with the Bengals. And just like that, the Bills are AFC East champions. The beginning of a new reign. WILDCARD WEEKEND Bills @ 12-4 get a home playoff game as the #3 seed... and the first playoff win in a generation.
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