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Everything posted by GregPersons

  1. Since I've answered you multiple times, and tried educating you on it, you would probably feel better if you did what you really wanted and just started screaming the N word after all of my posts. Just let it out. This is my main thing. Be honest with yourselves! It feels good to just live honestly.
  2. Why don't you want to do it here? Isn't this your version of "standing against racism"? You just asked me to rank genocides, but oddly, seemed to miss a few of the American ones... You are both racist, that is true, yes. I'm not sure you know why, but it the correct usage of the term at least.
  3. Close. Your certainty that you could not be racist is what proves you are racist. Yes. Do you think you can figure out why that is? Hint: It is what is in all of your posts, and what I have repeatedly describes as the "oxygen" of racism. Love that you want to "rank" human suffering!!!!!!!!! This is also a very popular idea with White Supremacists. Also, in your list of genocides, it seems there's A FEW MAJOR ONES missing. Do you know what they might be? Both seem pretty relevant these days... Have you considered doing any research into genocides in American history? Since it's a subject you're interested in, there's a lot to find there.
  4. White people telling on themselves "It's so hard for me to imagine speaking against racism myself, I assume you must be doing this for money."
  5. This is some "rubber, glue" nonsense. All of your logic is circular. You failed to address, meaningfully, any of the points raised against you, at any point in our discussions here. You're insisting to me that the widely-held definition of Racism is not acceptable to you (and also that it's my invention). So does "systemic racism" not exist, or you only want to argue the linguistic angle? You also haven't addressed the "white genocide" angle. I haven't read your posts on it. I just saw that they came up. Is "white genocide" something you are concerned about? I continue to await any single PPP poster, besides myself, to point out Reality Check's behavior is targeted harassment and that this repeated question (answered repeatedly) is racist. Truly, this is where our real heroes are.
  6. And people say Americans are uneducated about race...
  7. Because the fact that you think I need to "prove [your] racism" to you says everything. You've already decide you could not be racist, and you think that actually means you aren't racist, instead of proving the exact opposite.
  8. Hint: Everybody that voted 0 is probably in the KKK or sympathetic to the cause. There are many easy ways to identify Racism, but one of the most reliable is when people try to tell you "It's not real. No one here is racist."
  9. You're arguing with a "Stop" sign that it actually says "Go" and it's impressive. What is the definition of "Racism" you find to be acceptable? In my Racism 101 post when I refer to how "objectivity" is used to enforce racism... you are the poster child. Right here. (Oh God, it occurred to me that might be controversial to you too. Do you think "objectivity" is ... real? But racism isn't?)
  10. Not all cops are racist disgraces — some have the good sense to quit.
  11. You did this the other day too... you just really want to be dissected by me. You just want me to go through all of your posts and see all of your words. Remember the other day? This was your same desire then. You want me inside of you, for some reason. I keep saying no, Jim... you can do it yourself. Not difficult to identify (your search engine of choice) "what are white supremacy talking points" and then searching (use the search bar here) to see who comes up.
  12. Just that cops are a disgrace, glad to see so many people getting on the same page, it is an inherently racist profession built on a garbage legacy, and should be disbanded. Your children will someday have to apologize for being related to you.
  13. Do you guys get really confused filling out the Census? When you see "Gender" do you try to put "White"?
  14. Every time I challenge a different poster, I seem to gain a new identity. This is the 16th identity I've been ascribed and I can't wait to find out more. Seems like you guys are getting new challengers on a regular basis and it's inconceivable they're different people. (I think it's part of the "paid protestors" idea — y'all are so delusional, you have no idea how many people ***** hate your guts) Do you think language has fixed meanings? Where do you think language comes from? Do you think there is a Language God who gives us new words every few years? Very curious how "the mutability of language" is not something you are capable of understanding... especially when you do have posts that come up when searching "White genocide"!!!!!
  15. Is that true @Koko78? What's your height?
  16. The 4th post in this thread returns to the KKK talking point, part of Reality Check's repeated targeted harassment. I've been reported by every member of PPP, but this lynching behavior bothers nobody. Interesting. The 5th post says there's no point, and decides White people are the real victims because the only thing worse than actual racism is a White person being called Racist. The 6th post is a South Park gif of the KKK And the 7th post is from the poster who, in response to my posts calling out racism, made a thread dedicated to harassing one poster here. This is also okay on this forum. So tell me again how this forum isn't full of racists because your German Grandaddy also struggled. This is actually your tactic. "Racism" is well-defined, I'm not defining anything new. Language evolves Do some research. If you'd like to insist to me that "racism" absolutely does not include the "systemic" definition, go ahead and knock yourself out. I will await your conclusions. I reject your idea that "Racism" isn't real because you have decided it is. You are afraid of "White genocide" and are not credible. Your post history is full of this.
  17. I like that you think the "revised definition" is my invention. And that the "old definition" is the "correct" one. I like that you think Racism is something that is submitted to you, for your review. You, in particular, are a huge White Supremacist and I've seen your name come up every time I searched KKK talking points in this forum. You seem concerned in particular about something called "White genocide" You're the worst kind because you're like Glenn Beck, you have this soft approach of like "I'm just listening" but all of your conclusions are hardcore White Supremacist. Again. The forum has a search function. Most of you have thousands of posts. There are no new racist arguments or ideas, I'm sorry to tell you.
  18. Look at this bloodthirsty, whiny gang of limp *****. They don't need our tax dollars. Defund 'em nationwide. The cop posters on PPP also prove this point - ACAB.
  19. Why am I scary? I wasn't cheering on the injury of a 70+ year old white man by BPD. That was you. I wasn't trying to figure out your real identity. That was also you. You are scary, Karen.
  20. You're right. Mistook you for Buffalo_Gal, my bad.
  21. You think "the mark" is wherever you are. This is an extremely White idea. White people are always innocent. "Moving the goalposts" = the history of White America. Slavery is a war crime? Not when white people do it! "Even right next door" jesus ***** christ
  22. Everybody here claims they are "not" racist.... but "not racist" is not the same as "against racism." You can assume you are "not racist" and then every time the issue is brought up to you, you look to dismiss it, not realizing how racist that actually is. Let's clarify. Who here is actually specifically AGAINST racism?
  23. There's all sorts of violent imagery all over PPP, but this one you reported. In fact, there's violence in this thread topic, and it's also an example of targeted harassment. But that's okay with you too. But the images of white people giggling at lynchings goes too far... how come? I think Stormfront might have an off-topic section you can discuss football? Not sure. Oh Jimmy. We're all procrastinating here. This is a message board. But you're the one defending racism, insisting it's not real.... Let's get you a medal!
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