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Everything posted by GregPersons

  1. "Change doesn't exist"??? Where did you come to that conclusion? Holy *****. I thought I had an idea of where the floor of your IQ was but you just keep digging.
  2. Interesting that "I" disgust you, and not "racism" disgusts you. Also, well done on referring to Black people as "those people".... yikes. America is less racist than in the past. But if you think racism is "not a problem" — then you aren't paying any attention, and not doing the work that you morally owe your country, and THAT is disgusting.
  3. All of your posts denying, distracting, and discrediting. Including this very post! Here's how I know you are "a racist" too — if you weren't, Jim, then you wouldn't be spending time with me. You would be spending your time speaking out against racism to racists. But quite literally you can only think about yourself. You've shown that thousands of times to me already.
  4. .... .... Wow. Do you actually think you were born yesterday? You are quite the little onion, aren't you? You are just layers of delusional ignorance. No wonder you want me to do a deep dive in your post history. You need real ***** help! Which part was chicken ***** exactly?
  5. Everybody in America is born into racism. Yes. RATM's entire thing is songs speaking out against racism. That is anti-racist, or not racist. You were born into racism, like RATM. Unlike RATM, you continue to speak out in support of racism. That is racist. What in the world do YOU think their songs are about?!
  6. Literally in the post you quoted I defined actions. You bragged to me earlier about not reading these posts, so I don't know why I continue to dignify your responses. You're Reality Check with a slightly larger vocabulary. What I'm describing is racism. White privilege is related. Racism is cause. White Privilege is effect. So, racism is over, you think? It ended during the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation? Or you think it ended in the 1960s? When do you think it ended? Do you know how America was founded? Or is the assumption that the slave-owning Founding Fathers didn't know what they were doing? But I thought they were also geniuses. So, maybe you can just help me understand then. Why wouldn't all Americans be racist based on the country's origins? Which word isn't making sense to you? It seems like the one you don't know the definition to!
  7. Everybody is guilty of racism, including myself. Every single American. The first step is just admitting that racism exists and we were all born into a racist society. The second step is to decide how you're going to handle yourself with this knowledge. If you were born into Nazi Germany, what would you do? That's where you are. That's the reality. People need to get over this part of it. Nut the ***** up and take some ***** responsibility on this, for once. FOR ONCE!!! White people historically have NEVER done this. BE THE FIRST.
  8. Actually I can call racism out wherever I see it. You should try it. Feels better than covering for it. Here's the thing, and why definitions are important. Everyone here is concerned about the identity aspect of being "a racist." The assumption is that if you don't have hate in your heart for black people, you couldn't be racist. That isn't true. You can absolutely be racist by taking actions that uphold racism. Everybody is guilty of this, including myself. Every single American. The first step is just admitting that racism exists and we were all born into a racist society. The second step is to decide how you're going to handle yourself with this knowledge. If you were born into Nazi Germany, what would you do? That's where you are. That's the reality. Attempts to tar & feather people who are speaking against racism because you don't want to hear it (ie, this thread) — that has nothing to do with the hate in anyone's heart toward me — it's racist in the attempt to distract and discredit speaking out against racism. Does this make sense
  9. I'm well aware of it. How are RATM an example of it?
  10. Maybe you forgot to tag me in it, or I didn't see it Define racism Define objectivity / objectivism Tell me which one of those two is real. Intellectual honesty is all I'm asking from you, Tasker. That is all.
  11. So far, 26 people including yourself have voted in this poll — specifically because y'all are "tired" of me bringing up racism. 7 people including myself voted in "Are you against racism" — all 7 votes are "Yes." 7 people on PPP are not racist 26 people on PPP are very much racist Sounds about right.
  12. We all need to do more to call them out on it. Every single one of us is guilty of letting it slide. We didn't invent racism. We didn't ask to be born in a racist society. But it's our responsibility. It's sad to see Bills fans in PPP treat it like a joke, or a "debate"
  13. Weird, that hasn't stopped racists before.
  14. Why am I declining? Because you are disgusting to me and unpleasant. Dealing with you this much is not fun. I don't want to read any more of your drivel than I need to. You're not attractive, and you're not smart. I don't enjoy your writing. Why would I do that? I understand why you want it. You think you're special. You think you are the center of this conversation. You think you deserve special treatment on the subject of race. You think that the work of "self examination" should be done for you, at your beck and call. These are just some of the ways in which you are racist and upholding racism. You can see many more specific examples in your post history and thought processes. Self examination is hard! It's why White folks have avoided it for generations! Often very violently! Let me know if this makes sense. Happy to help you on your journey. Its not easy!
  15. Maybe not true in America, but all votes are equal here. Go on, big boy, pull the lever. You've earned it! You have permission!
  16. I saw, and counted you. You're not one of the "3" who I assume is against racism. Why not vote No in the official poll then?
  17. Again it's you wanting me to take a deep dive into your post history. Again I am declining this very odd invitation. Again you will find your SPECIFIC answer in the specific thread. These posts here. Also racist. Any effort to uphold the racist structures in place = racist. What you are doing = racist. Can you understand this = no. Will you argue it still = yes.
  18. So your definition of "racism" is actually "prejudice" then? You deny that racism is structural? You can't say with your own keyboard what you think racism is, otherwise? Also, are you saying "objectivity" is real? Just curious. You seem to operate under the assumption there is an absolute "correct" answer to things, and that you know what they are. Again. You think you're clever. It's adorable. It's like you are a child, playing hide & seek, and you're in the middle of the living room with the pillow on your head. And you're singing "You can't seee meeeee.... it's objectively true you can't seee meeee" lol
  19. Read the 101 thread for a full explanation, then you may continue with me. You don't get to skip to 201 by walking out of 101 and saying it's all BS, bud.
  20. Well, 2 other people voted "Yes" besides me. Nobody is willing to vote "No" but a lot of people "don't want to get involved." Again an example of White people maintaining racism by assuming it's not their problem. Polls are still open, but it does look like we have our answer, as determined by PPP themselves.
  21. This is your own confusion between "racist" and "a racist" — also why I posted the 101 thread. I'm talking about actions, you're talking about identity. Just like billsfan1959, all you are doing is getting mad at me because you tricked yourself.
  22. Repeatedly I'm keeping a handy list of all of the identities I've been given by people who are "not racist" I'm also keeping a handy list of all of the identities I've ascribed to posters here. It's actually 0, despite everybody assuming "racist" is an identity they have to have and my insistence that "racist" is better understood as a verb, not a noun. So everybody is assuming they're being called "a racist" as their identity. Then trying to guess my identity. While I am talking about racist actions. And the majority of the board continues speaking and behaving racist, while telling me my identity, and also that they could not be racist because of their daddy and granddaddy. If you could understand why that is so funny, we'd both be laughing right now!
  23. Speaking of "intellectually dishonest," where did you first hear that phrase? Did you come up with it yourself? What does it mean? How am I being an example of it? Do you know how I know you won't answer this, Rob? Because all you guys do is "repeat things you've heard" — like little parrots — but you don't actually know the meaning. It quite literally is "monkey see, monkey do." Y'all are programmed to be dumb and think you're smart. It works! And that is White Supremacy.
  24. That's a lot of words to dodge some pretty easy questions. Define "Racism" for me, since you have the "objective" answer. Then tell me if "objectivity" is real. And I'd also like to know why you failed to include any of the American examples, since that's more relevant to our discussion. I'm guessing it's because White Americans were the ones who did them and it's not helpful to your argument. But I don't want to put any words in your mouth. So just go ahead and educate me on the correct definitions on "Racism" and "Objectivity" and which one of those is real. Can't wait to be educated by The Smartest Man In The ROOM!
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