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Everything posted by GregPersons

  1. You're making some big assumptions. I support Dorner? Where did I say that? Seems like you could extend the same basic courtesy you're asking for from me. (Edit: incidentally on Dorner, let's not forget the other deaths the LAPD caused by accident in their manhunt, like these innocent people who were shot to death by LAPD who mistook their vehicle for Dorner's https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-no-charges-lapd-shooting-newspaper-delivery-women-dorner-manhunt-20160127-story.html ) I'm saying all cops, institutionally, bad. Individually as humans, everybody is just a person. The purpose of police seems to train people to behave in gang-like fashion. It seems to drive people crazy, and drive people to violent outbursts. And it seems as though any attempts to speak against police are met with, basically, "shut the ***** up" in so many words. They have the power of the law and you're taught to respect them. But in reality they behave like any other gang organization. I'm sure there's some good cops. There's probably some good crips and MS-13 too. I don't think either organization deserves my tax money, y'know?
  2. Pats seem like one of the more racist organizations in the league, for as much as Belichick gushes over players like LT, he still seems to prefer his QBs to be Whiter if not in skin tone then in mindset. I'd be shocked to see Kaep go to the Pats. I don't know where he would go but maybe the LA Chargers could make sense. They desperately need a reason for people to pay attention. Kaep would sell tickets. For a stadium in Inglewood? You kidding me? Kaep could be terrible but still sell it out for at least a year.
  3. Which guards from that era or until now should be in the HOF? Anyone?
  4. Just because she's black, you mean? Well, this is also not the first story I've seen of cops who have called out other cops being retaliated against. Do you think this is the first time that's happened? My sense of it is that police behave like a gang... Buffalo PD in particular has shown that quite well on their own these last few weeks, haven't they? So this is not hard to believe at all. You think it's fake news, though? Disappointed in you Bill, thought you seemed generally sensible. Cops are a gang. They use the same tactics as Scientology, they're just more integrated into society. They're just the default; no reason to question it. Nothing to see here folks. Christopher Dorner, remember that guy and that story? That guy went crazy because he tried going through the legal channels as a cop then waged war on the LAPD. He wrote a manifesto and then there was a shootout in the mountains and 40+ officers shot him to death. Pretty gang-like if you ask me.
  5. I'm not the person you asked, but I can help you see this distinction. Candace Owens is a better example because she is a Black woman, she is incredibly articulate and intelligent, and also unbelievably racist. What a way to make a living. Dave Chappelle's new special mocks her repeatedly, it's hilarious. Shapiro sucks because he is advocating for racism. He says he isn't, and that he couldn't, because he is Jewish. Anybody can be racist. "Racist" and "racism" are misunderstood. The best understanding is the more recent definition that includes the inherent structural element. Racist refers to actions that uphold the white supremacy / slavery legacy of America and continue to uphold white supremacist values. The idea of hate in your heart based on a person's identity, racial or otherwise, is prejudice. That's similar but different. Black people can be prejudiced against White people. Black people can be racist against Black people. But it's impossible to be racist to White people (and who is "White" btw? Are Jewish people, or Irish? Depends on when; it's a fictional and evolving concept; it's a form of control) because nothing you do -- whatever that is, worst thing imaginable, doesn't matter -- nothing you can do can remove The Effect Of History That Led To This Present Status Quo. Which means, nothing can remove the many inherent biases that we are aware of, and the countless ones we are not aware of, that nevertheless have an impact on us. The generational wealth and opportunities to education & healthcare and so on are some of just many examples that White people are born with as default. This is somewhat confusing, but not really. Language evolves. Racial langauge in particular because "race" is not literally real. It's a concept, a framework. It's a lie that's been believed for generations. It comes down to this. A) This country was built on lies and that affects us today B) Black people are inherently inferior and/or White people are inherently superior Pick one
  6. Always looking for ways to love you Never failing to fight at your side While the angels of love protect us From the innermost secrets we hide I'll hold you for as long as you like I'll hold you for the rest of my life Long live all of us crazy soldiers Who were born under calico skies May we never be called to handle All the weapons of war we despise I'll hold you for as long as you like I'll hold you for the rest of my life
  7. Unbelievable. ? People still are out there denying this is real
  8. I've said before that I would very much watch a robot football league, lol. Those FOX NFL robots they show between the breaks? I'm like, yeah actually, why don't they just make those? Musk, Gates, all you #######s should be making football robots. Buddy of mine says his favorite thing about Josh Allen is that he's a "football robot." Thats his highest praise. You can have a human league and then the robot league. Now, this begs the question. Could the best human team play the best robot team? Of course. But it would be the humans folly to pick that battle... If I'd stopped there, my point would be incomplete It's hard to be an "over-rated" Guard when, otherwise, are all Guards worthless? I don't really understand. Ruben took penalties, yeah. Jim Kelly did too, and threw interceptions. So, if Ruben was agreed to be the best at his position consistently by his peers/coaches/press... you think he was undeserving because...? Unclear. Just "overrated."
  9. I'm not disagreeing necessarily that he was overrated. However I don't really know what overrated means with OL, to be honest, because OL is almost always dogged. Even when an OL is good, it's rarely acknowledged as good in the moment. Bills OL is pretty good but we focus on the bad. Just human nature maybe. So my thing is like -- who are the better interior OL, particularly at G? Center and LT get the lions share of respect and acknowledgment b/c they have the closest relationship to the QB in play, usually. I feel like we'd likely all agree that Eric Wood is deserving of WOF, at least. So why wouldn't you want Ruben on WOF or since he has the hardware the HOF? Since guards are always underrated, who is worthy of the HOF from that position? Or is the position worthless? We haven't had a HOF worthy guard since the 60s or 70s? I think there's too many "unheralded" positions in a game that is theoretically about teamwork. I'd argue, also, in favor of Brian Moorman for WOF and Tasker for HOF.
  10. I agree on video, but I still wonder if that doesn't go far enough. I don't disagree; I'd like to see what you said exactly implemented. My concern is that they can still find way around it; covering the camera even if they can't shut it off. And it's always possible to unplug/dismantle a video device, regardless of how well its integrated into equipment. However. It is a good start. Community Oversight needs to be priority #1 overall, and replacing all the cops' weapons with cameras would be a wonderful start. —Cops need to be part of the community. Living in the community they serve should be mandatory if you want the job. You need to remember that you are policing your neighbors. The police need to drop this whole Storm Trooper gestapo bull crap. They're over-geared, and the protests prove it. You have thousands of unarmed people with signs and chants, and they're in riot gear and rubber bullets and tear gas. That's not how you de-escalate. Also -- notice this, nobody is mentioning this strange coincidence -- as soon as the National Guard left and the curfew lifted in LA, the protests last weekend and throughout this week have all been without incident! —Cops need to listen to the community. In addition to living there, the training needs to involve active listening. LAPD has been doing open-forum Zoom calls with the community... they're not doing it well, it's just the leadership. They're not listening. However, the form has a lot of promise. I'd like to see every PD in the country have all officers sit in on these calls on a regular basis. This is how you build trust and accountability to the people you will Protect and Serve. —Cops need to be unarmed as default. There's no example of a cop needing a gun, actually. I keep asking for someone to show me a story where a cop used a gun to save a life that otherwise would've been lost. Not killing a serial killer or a drug dealer who theoretically would kill again. Somebody's life is in mortal danger, and it's saved by cops with guns. TV has led a lot of us to believe this happens on a regular basis. I'm wondering if it's happened... ever? I'm sure at some point. But when and where? The only example I've been given when I've asked this is the London Bridge terrorist attack. Good example. Unfortunately, not American. Any example you've ever heard of a Police Officer being helpful, like actually helpful???? In 0 of those stories is the cop's gun a factor. The degree to which armed police are deterrent are over-stated and not supported by evidence available from other industrialized countries with unarmed police (UK, EU, AU) —Cops need to be trained in de-escalation. These guys are all hammers looking for nails. Taking away all their toys will help remove the mentality that these jarheads are running around with, thinking they're playing COD or some *****. Cops have shown, repeatedly, no idea how to de-escalate. All they do is escalate. Eric Garner was selling loose cigarettes in Staten Island. For this crime, half a dozen White men worked together to choke him to death on the sidewalk. His begging for life "I can't breathe" went ignored. It's unimaginably evil to know I watched that man die on ***** camera. And George Floyd. And worse to think of those whose murders went uncaptured, like Breonna Taylor, and how the banality of evil then works to simply cover for the cowardly officers who shot a young woman to death. ***** the police. The trust is broken. I want my money back; I'm serious! I don't want my taxes paying for these idiots to cosplay as soldiers against unemployed drug addicts -- and now we're all wondering, nationwide, wait a minute, what DO cops actually do? -- all they seem to do is cause more problems than they actually solve.
  11. Plays like that make me miss those old NFL blooper VHSes
  12. Another guy the Bills passed on drafting... and he's had a pretty good career since. Not in football, but, as far as I know, there's nothing in the rule book against alien shapeshifters playing football.
  13. Hehehe. I mean, yeah, that's pretty much the size of it even though it looks photoshopped; is that a screenshot you took from CNN, or did you grab it from facebook or something? Be honest. I wanna see a link if you took the screengrab. In the meantime, watch Dave give some real talk in Ohio. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tR6mKcBbT4
  14. Lol. Am I on my way to a coronary because I was saying ***** you? You literally said it to me; I was simply saying it back. You keep assuming you've pissed me off. You don't have that kind of impact on me. If I weren't getting some sort of pleasure out of bullying your dumb thoughts to a point where you're embarrassed to think them, I wouldn't be doing it. So you don't need to worry about me. As for understanding me, a madman, and my agenda — the reason you'd seek to understand is.... well, some people have the ability to find pleasure simply in curiosity for its own sake. For example, you might seek out opinions you disagree with to challenge your own beliefs. Have you ever done something like that? Seems like you mostly stay in your comfort zone, no? Source? What black publications have regarded Al Jolson well, exactly? When/where?
  15. @Reality Check isn't this near your neck of the woods? This your sister?
  16. I'm not the one insisting on fictional reality & magical thinking Just unplugging zombies from the matrix, even as they struggle against it... Watch that Chappelle video. Lots of facts in there, delivered for you entertainingly. Lots of syrup for you to take it in. If anything Dave says in that video is incorrect, tell me.
  17. Watch this sh-t @Chef Jim - everybody. All of it.
  18. Everybody knows Dave but if you're not familiar with his stand-up, he's generally someone who "writes on stage" and as such his shows are often VERY long, and rambling, and over time he edits and condenses into polished material. That's why he's usually been one of the stricter comedians with people filming his sets in comedy clubs and releasing them early. So it's notable that he'd released "unfinished" material like this. The title of the special is the amount of time George Floyd was struggling for life while being choked to death by a police officer in front of 3 other police officers. I don't like/agree with Dave on everything but I've always enjoyed his comedy. This is not exactly "comedy" I should maybe warn you — it is funny in some spots, but it is also very raw. It's NSFW and maybe think of it more like a one-man podcast; it's an argument and a train of thought. It's undeniably passionate and captivating and if you liked Dave elsewhere you might like his thoughts on the chaos of the last few weeks. Tangential but I think he still lives on a farm in Ohio, right?
  19. Good point, the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman was by all accounts "no big thing." Oh wait.
  20. Why not? Guards and OL are unheralded. Ruben has the Pro Bowls and All Pro hardware to back it up, fwiw. How many better Guards have we had since Ruben, off the top of your head? OL doesn't get enough respect. He'd get my vote. He was a cornerstone of those teams. Who is a transformational Guard, though?
  21. Poster of the Month, I'm guessing Because the investigation thus far is pretty comprehensive, you think?
  22. Is racism a fact, or an opinion?
  23. Based on our interactions, I'd say you're a petulant self-centered ####### oblivious to the world around him and aggressively opposed to consider any wrongdoing whatsoever on your part. The only thing that matters to you is that you're right. Even when you're wrong, you were actually right all along. You have a complete lack of imagination and basic empathy, and no principles that you seem to believe in that don't ultimately boil down to your utmost convenience served above all. Just based on our conversations.
  24. To be fair I only learned about her story from "what aboutism" elsewhere online, but again, I don't disagree about speaking up about her story. It's not a zero sum game. Neither should be acceptable. Obviously! And RH is free to make a post and advocate for justice. He should! It'd be a better use of his time.
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