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Everything posted by Billl

  1. Pretty sure that kneeling isn’t a “technically he wasn’t CONVICTED of a crime” situation. He isn’t risking the integrity of the league by kneeling. This is impossibly beyond even the broadest interpretation of the agreement.
  2. Clearly your bank doesn’t have a collective bargaining agreement. NFL players do, so your circumstances are different.
  3. I’ll just take his own words.
  4. Cool. Just don’t ever criticize an owner for caring more about maximizing profit than winning...or for moving a team to a bigger city that will build him a stadium.
  5. I guess your taste in comedy is more in line with Jake Fromm’s.
  6. Thankfully our troops are tougher than you. Otherwise the enemy wouldn’t even need weapons. They could just all kneel in front of a flag, and everyone would curl up into a ball and cry.
  7. Is that the same Drew Brees who sued his mother because he didn’t want her using his likeness in her campaign commercials only to profit off of a book that focused heavily on her death?
  8. I feel like it’s the opposite. We’ve been bombarded with a bunch of “look at me” patriots (I think the right calls that virtue signaling) since September 11th, that it’s lost all meaning. I mean it’s always been commercialized, but it’s now become weaponized. The flag is EVERYWHERE. Are people supposed to stop and genuflect every time we pass one? At some point, people just tune it out. Its an interesting phenomenon, actually. It’s like Jesus and the cross. Google “cross necklace” and you get 250,000,000 results. It’s not even a fashion statement. It’s been reduced to an accessory. Nobody sees a woman wearing one and thinks “she must be very devout”. You don’t even notice it. It’s just sort of there.
  9. Saying it's okay to fire people for making racist statements but not for opposing racism is a hot take in your world.
  10. The good news is that there's a simple universal solution to both of these issues. Have the police stop brutalizing African Americans, and nobody has to worry about being allowed to kneel, and nobody has to worry about people kneeling.
  11. How is being consistently anti racism ironic?
  12. Then we agree about Fromm. He doesn't get to say racist things about blacks in white only audiences.
  13. If you made racist jokes against blacks in a conversation between yourself and another white person, yes. Joking around about race with minorities doesn’t give you free license to say racist things for life.
  14. It started that way, but like anything else it’s become commercialized by sponsorships. In this case, the DoD. Whether it’s the song itself they’re paying for or the ceremonies surrounding it with the color guard, flyovers, salute to service, etc., the league would be missing out on revenue by nixing it, so that’s a non-starter. (Of course not having it now would cause an even bigger uproar from he “look at me” patriot types who demand players stand for the anthems while they lie on the couch and drink beer.)
  15. You realize Williams was suspended longer than anyone for his role in that ordeal, right?
  16. Why does any multi billion dollar organization do anything? Because the military pays the NFL to play it. It’s literally a paid advertisement.
  17. Careful with what you post on a message board. I was told that it leaves a trail that can come back to haunt.
  18. Yep. Every member of the city council is a Democrat.
  19. I think you could tell how sincere he was by the tone of his dial.
  20. Remember son. When you express your racist, elitist views, make sure you cover your tracks.
  21. So your takeaway from this is that we need to teach our kids to be more careful to avoid leaving a paper trail when expressing their bigoted opinions? You’re part of the problem.
  22. Make no mistake. HE ruined his career.
  23. How much does anyone want to bet there are more texts like this out there? Hard to believe anyone makes exactly one comment like this.
  24. You don’t see the difference between being told you should shut up and calling to force someone to shut up? There’s a big difference.
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