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Everything posted by Billl

  1. Good on you for telling these black men how they should act, where they should act, and when they should act. Clearly you know more about what it’s like living as a black man in America than they do.
  2. That place is just to the right of the klan, unfortunately.
  3. He didn’t do it in college, and he didn’t do it when she (same woman) accused him of abusing his kid years later. She now has no custody, and he’s got full custody of all 4 of their kids. Interesting point you bring up about pleading guilty back in college. A poor black kid from rural Georgia was accused of choking a woman. He had two choices. Plead guilty and leave school or plead innocent and risk going to prison. He couldn’t afford to hire an attorney, so he decided he couldn’t risk it. So now, people ignorant to the situation call him scum for the rest of his life over a false accusation. And people wonder why these men kneel.
  4. I don’t think the Bills are racist, but it’s not me you’re going to have to convince. It’s your locker room. That’s why I think they’ll cut Fromm. And Tyreek was 100% falsely accused. In fact, he’s got full custody of the kids now.
  5. We don’t allow slavery anymore. Today, we just fly the flag of the losers while crying that blacks are disrespectful to our veterans by kneeling. You know what’s disrespectful to our flag? Flying the confederate flag.
  6. Yeah man. Why don’t African Americans just move forward and get over it? Ever since 1865, they’ve had it made, amirite?
  7. It’s going to get really interesting if they don’t release him. Tyrod gets shipped out after leading the Bills to their first postseason in forever, and two years later Buffalo’s QB room consists of two guys with a history of racially insensitive comments plus Matt Barkley. We’ll see how that plays in the locker room.
  8. I guess if you can’t help yourself from saying racist things, you’d better be smart enough not to get caught.
  9. Blacks speak against whites out of oppression Whites speak against blacks out of inconvenience The power structure in this country has made it such that blacks in America are incapable of oppressing whites. Couldn’t that slave just learn to take a joke? /s
  10. There are two types of people who bring up Che in these discussions. Type 1) SUPER WOKE liberals who think he was too far to the right Type 2) Conservative talk radio listeners who don’t know anything about him but are socially conditioned to unironically spit talking points without realizing that criticizing him undermines their own platform Well said.
  11. I’m team ranch. #sobrave #bbqsauce>buffalosauce #boneless
  12. How dare you call cheese biscuits muffins? Consider yourself canceled .
  13. This isn’t Michael Jordan’s gambling problem. Nobody’s going to make a documentary 40 years from now about how Jake Fromm, best QB is history, messed up but was so talented that he couldn’t be stopped. He’s diet John Rocker.
  14. Bands: Imagine Dragons Nickleback Collective Soul Creed Restaurants: Applebees Chiles Red Lobster Olive Garden Coaches: Jeff Fisher Herm Edwards Wayne Fontes Marvin Lewis
  15. So he said f—k you too. All better. He should really connect with the dozens of Buffalo elite.
  16. Every word you said is true. Still not the same as saying “I can’t protest while working as a teller at a bank”. Not in any way compatible.
  17. Poor people are trash too, amirite? (Median household income in Buffalo is < $32,000)
  18. So it’s not that he’s bigoted against blacks. It’s that he’s bigoted against non whites. Well why didn’t you say so? FALSE ALARM EVERYONE!!!
  19. Sure, but it’s not analogous to working at a bank. That’s a false equivalency.
  20. You’re right. Non whites doesn’t only mean black people. Spike your football.
  21. Hey everyone gather round. I’ve got a great joke that you’re all going to love. We should make silencers really expensive so that blacks can’t afford them. Get it? HAHAHAHAHAHA Huge hit in the locker room.
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