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Everything posted by Billl

  1. I checked the latest overnight numbers. Including last night, the total of people killed by Antifa is now 0.
  2. So it’s not an enormous issue because its only a huge obstacle (as opposed to a minor obstacle, regular obstacle, or non obstacle) t 50% of black Americans, then it’s not a huge problem? THAT is your position? Cancer isn’t a huge obstacle in the lives of the 50% of people who will never get it. He’d rather assign absurd, extreme positions to you. That’s easier than discussing your actual words.
  3. If you’re looking for more context, consider the fact that the recipient of the text thought it was bad enough that she hung onto it.
  4. Just because snowflakes exist doesn’t mean they are entitled to a 70,000 person safe space.
  5. People on your side have always been of the opinion that enough has been done for equality, and they always will.
  6. They should offer him a position in the league office.
  7. He’s in the top list because he’s the projected starter for next season. He’s 39-55 as a starter. He’s never even played in the postseason. Yet he’s firmly entrenched as their starter. In fact, they had a competition for his backup spot last year between Mike Glennon and Nathan Peterman.
  8. The QBs below are Brissett and Rivers. Brissett had a higher QB rating, a better record, makes $10,000,000 less than Rivers, is 11 years younger than Rivers, and lost his job to Rivers.
  9. Did you even read the OP? Tyrod wasn’t a starter to begin last season. Neither was Teddy. Haskins and Murray were rookies. Try to keep up.
  10. In 2019, 8 black QBs started at least half a season. Their average stats for the season were: 4,588 yards passing 33 TDs 11 INTs That’s a HOF level performance. Literally, the average black starting QB played at a HOF level. 2 of those 8 lost their starting jobs. That’s how good you have to be to keep your job as a black QB in the NFL. Play at a HOF level? Keep your job for another year. Have a mediocre season? Get replaced by a washed up white guy making double what you do.
  11. And they’re always white.
  12. Read your two statements again. 100% of average or below QBs who kept their jobs are white. 75% of average or below white QBs kept their jobs. 0% of average or below QBs who kept their jobs are non-white. 57% of QBs who lost their jobs are non-white (of European descent). There is a lot of room for mediocre white QBs to start in the NFL. There is virtually zero room for mediocre non-white QBs to start in the NFL. What does Andy Dalton have to do with a comparison between Jacoby Brissett and Philip Rivers?
  13. I’m pretty sure I already said that Josh’s were: 1. Made many years ago 2. Made when he was not an adult 3. Made in public, so it’s not like he was hiding from them 4. Quoting pop culture 5. Discovered when society didn’t have a zero tolerance policy Fromm’s meet none of this criteria.
  14. People are free to apologize and seek forgiveness, but they aren’t entitled to receive it. Apologies aren’t tokens that you put into a forgiveness machine that spits out a receipt to show you’ve been absolved. Is this over the top? Is the pendulum going to swing a little too far? Probably. That’s how these things work. The mistreatment and dehumanization of minorities in this country has gone on for far too long, and it’s hitting critical mass. It’s going to be dealt with swiftly and severely until people finally get it through their heads that it’s not okay. If we ever reach that point, the court of public opinion will relax its rules a bit. If you want to help speed the process along, you can start by telling people to take down their confederate flags. You can marginalize the people you know who make racist comments or support nationalistic politicians. Alternatively, you can die mad about it because society isn’t going to suddenly decide that it’s okay to go back to the “good old days”. It’s really up to you.
  15. You’d prefer to pay $25,000,000 to a 39 year old QB who threw 23 TDs and 20 INTs while going 5-11 than pay $15,000,000 to a 28 year old who threw 18 TDs and 6 INTs while going 7-8?
  16. It doesn’t. Hence my post about that type of behavior not being tolerated any longer. The insinuation behind posting the SAS clip was that behavior like this was once considered to be excusable if a sincere sounding apology was issued. I’m telling you that things have changed.
  17. Most?
  18. Let’s put it this way. If we find out tomorrow that he said something similar 6 months ago, he’s gone. No apology tour. No racial sensitivity training classes. No “he was just a dumb kid”. No “he was just quoting rap lyrics when he tweeted out the n-word”. If that were to happen (it won’t because he learned his lesson), he would be out of the league in an instant.
  19. Cool. Notice any differences between the two adjusted lists?
  20. I understand you want to change the argument by playing the whatabout game. Feel free to start a domestic violence thread, and I’ll be glad to discuss it there. I don’t think Josh is racist. I think he made comments a long time ago that we’re misguided, but they weren’t hateful, and he made them publicly so he wasn’t trying to hide them. I can’t say the same for Jake.
  21. Since you answered my question in good faith, I’ll answer yours the same way. Removing all confederate monuments and flags from public display would be a good start. I don’t think we can have a reasonable discussion about whether or not kneeling is disrespectful to the flag when the people saying it is proudly display the confederate flag. Hell, it’s still part of the official Mississippi state flag.
  22. I don’t want this thread to devolve into a debate over who is average. If you disagree with who fits that criteria, mentally remove them from consideration.
  23. I suppose Josh got lucky that his racially insensitive tweets were exposed back when racism was more tolerated.
  24. I was looking at a ranking of 2020 projected starting QBs, and there is a lot of mediocrity out there. More than that, there is a lot of tolerance for mediocrity, as teams keep bringing them back as starters. I put together a quick list of QBs that I would say are roughly average or below who were either opening day starters last year and who are slated as starters in 2020. I removed those who were rookies last season, as giving a rookie a second year is different than a veteran. Rivers Garoppolo Goff Cousins Mayfield Carr Fitzpatrick Allen Darnold Brady Foles/Trubisky Here’s a list of opening day starters from last season who are still in the league (haven’t retired) but aren’t slated to be starters in 2020. Winston Dalton Keenum Mariota Brissett Newton Keenum So that’s 19 starters from last season who were roughly average to below average, weren’t rookies, and who didn’t retire. 12 of them are either scheduled to be starters or are competing to start in 2020. That’s a pretty good gig. You’ve got a 63% to keep your job as a starter year over year even if you’re average or below. I’d be curious to see what people here think about the two lists. Is there anything that stands out when comparing the list of QBs who kept their starting jobs to those who lost theirs?
  25. He was given full custody of the kids. The rest of the recording you referenced literally includes her acknowledging that she lied the first time.
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